I was too shy to...

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Your pov

I was with my friends about to go to classes, we were just laughing and talking about random things, since the moment three girls were watching me and my friends noticed it.

"y/n, that girls are looking at you" Claire said.

"yeah i know its weird" i giggled a little and then they were walking towards me.

"umh excuse me, can i talk to you?" one of them said.

"uh, yeah, sure" i said and my friends walked away.

"hi, well the thing is we have a friend, she is a girl.. uh she wanted to know if she can have your number" she said and i giggled a little.

"oh... yeah, what's her name?"

"alycia, she was looking at you and she just said "omg she is so beautiful"" they laughed.

"oka then" i took a pencil and wrote my number on the paper.

"yas thank you, she will be so happy" she laughed.

"by the way, my name is y/n" i winked and then left.


I was in my class just bored trying to pay attention and write something but my notebook was blank.
I then checked my phone and i got a new message from an unknown number, i guess is her.

new message from unknown

889-6657-787: hey cutie :).

I smiled and decided to answer later.


I arrived at home finally after the shitty day on school, who likes school? honestly not me.
I checked my phone and realized i forgot the message, so i went and answer.

me: hey stranger :)

She replied almost a second after.

889-6657-787: woah you finally answered.

me: sorry..?

889-6657-787: alycia :)

me: i'm y/n, nice to meet you alycia

Alycia: so how are the prettiest girl on the world?

me: woah stop there, are you some kind of fuck girl?

Alycia: omg no no, i just.. think you are so pretty.

me: got you ha! i know and thank you btw;) i wanna see ur pretty face too someday.

Alycia: yeah... i'm not that pretty.

Me: yeah sure lol, btw why don't you asked me personally?

Alycia: i... uh.. well i was too shy to talk to you and plus you are so pretty i thought you would never talk to me.

me: are you kidding me? i'm not that way.

Alycia: i'm too shy, sorry.

me: it's okay, as long as you talk to me tomorrow;)

Alycia: sure, i'll do:)

And there was the beginning of everything, one of the most beautiful love stories.

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