Ms Debnam-Carey (2)

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Alycia's pov

My first day of class and i already had this dirty thoughts about a student, damn myself i swear i need to stop with this kinks.
I arrived at home after that interesting first day and made me some food, i got my laptop and started to send my students the classes so they can study for the test next week.

I was sending it and saw y/n's email, wow interesnting, i think i can send her something from my personal email.

To: y/n.y/l/

Hey there sweet cheeks, it's me your science teacher... i know we didn't start too good and i made you nervous but-

No, this isn't right.
I pressed delete and sent the email to the trash.
I was about to close my laptop but got a notification from my email.

From: y/n.y/l/

Dear you, i know we had such a heated moment today, i was looking forward more... i know this is kind of illegal but when i saw you i couldn't contain my hormones.
I know this may sound weird but i cant help it.
I'll be at school tomorrow at 7 when no one is there, waiting for you.


It took me by surprise i swear i never thought that she will actually feel that tension a while ago, i was looking for tomorrow already.


I arrived at a school at 6:45 am, if you may ask, some teachers are there at 7:45 so i arrived an hour early so i can... ummm take care of some business.

I was walking by the halway and when i passed my classroom i could see y/n in the desk, she was sitting there crossed legs and looking at her phone, her lips looked desirable, her body just perfect and her position doesn't make me comfortable.
I wanted to take her shirt and skirt off right now.


I entered the room and she jumped, she turned around and looked at me smiling.

"Well hello miss debnam carey, you scared me" She smirked and turned towards me in the desk, i had a perfect view of her perfect legs, so toned, so precious, so delicious.

"Hello miss y/l/n, what are you doing here this early?" I asked and she chuckled.

"The question is what are you doing here this early miss Debnam carey, i think teachers arrive here at 7:45am not 6" She smirked and i closed my eyes a bit.

"I-" I cleared my throat. "I have work to do"

"Sure... didn't you read my message?" She bit her lip and jesus christ it turned me on even more.

"Indeed i did"

"Great" She said and got off the desk letting her skirt went up a little, i gasped and she smirked, she walked by towards me and i walked back hitting my body with the wall.

"You and I know this is illegal" I mumbled but she rolled her eyes, she pressed her lips to mine in a rough kiss, i moaned at the feeling and she smirked.

"Who cares if its legal or not? i want you and i know you want me too"

Fuck. She kissed me again grabbing my ass making me groan and she took advantage of it to let her tongue explored my mouth, we both moaned at the feeling.
I took her legs and she jumped wrapping them in my waist, i walked to the desk and sat her there, i threw everything in it and broke our kiss, i started kissing her jaw and then going to her neck, i licked it and sucked on it, she moaned loudly and i went back to her lips.

"Look baby girl if you want it you gotta stay quiet because otherwise they'll find out"



Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now