Happy ever after

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I groaned as i feel the alarm ringing i hate to wake up early but come on y/n you're a big woman you have to go to work.
Today honestly i have a day off but yesterday my secretary called me because she needs a sign on some papers so i have to go.
I got off the bed and took a shower as usually, i did my make up and not to be dramatic but i do perfectly, you see i'm a make up artist and also have my own company about it, i usually don't do make up for celebrities i just have my people for that i just go with the most important people or when they want me to do it.
I went to the kitchen and saw my wife there, i smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist making her jump.

"Jesus y/n you scared the shit out of me babe" She said and i just giggled.

"Good morning sweetie" I said and she kissed me slowly wrapping her hands on my neck.

"Good morning my love" She sighed as she smiled. "Do you have work today?"

"No, Alycia but i have to go and sign some papers" She groaned. "I'm sorry darling, i promise i'll be back in an hour and half.

"But babe it was our day, you barely are home" She said.

"I know but i promise it won't take too much" I said and kissed her lips. "I'll make it up to you baby" I said and she nodded, i walked to the door and went out.
I sighed and made my way to the car.
Once inside i turned it on and drove to the company.
In the way to it i started to smile because i was remembering how Alycia and I met, it was so beautiful i never thought actually of me and her to get marry.

"I'm sorry can i get a coffee please?" I asked to the girl on the reception.

"Sure, sugar?" I nodded and took a sit.
I looked around of the cafeteria and there was a lot of people, but my eyes get lied in a girl with beautiful green eyes just in front of me, she was drawing, she was so good at it, i looked at how focused she was, she was pretty and my heartbeat increased when she looked up and saw me, she smiled at me and i quickly looked to the other side.
Good job y/n she caught you.

"Here's you coffee ma'am hope you enjoy it" The waitress said and i smiled.

"Thank you"

"Can you give me another coffee" A voice said as she sat on front on me in the same table.

"Oh... sure, which one"

"A latte please" She said on a cute tone.

"I'll be back"

"So, hello my name is Alycia and i think your face is pretty beautiful, it's art you know?" She said and i blushed. God! how she can make blush this fast.

"H-hi my name is y/n is nice to meet you Alycia and well i think you are so beautiful" I said and she chuckled.

"Thank you darling, can i draw you?" She asked and i bit my lip.

"Uh... y-yeah sure" I said and she smiled so happy.

"Thank you oh god it'll be my best work" She said and looked down to her notebook starting to draw.

I walked on my company and Jessica had all the papers for me, i sign and then walked to my office, i sat down in my chair and saw a pic of Alycia an I on the beach at our second date.

"So this is how you do it" She was teaching me how to make shadows on the draws but i honestly never payed attention.

"You are so beautiful..." I whispered close to her and she bit her lip.

"You are too" She said and got closer.

"I want to kiss you so badly" She whispered and i captured her lips and she moaned at the feeling, it was so fucking hot, i wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer. The kiss was slowly full of love and perfect, everything is perfect about her.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now