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So today i'm going to my new job, i am so excited well is not that is the best job ever but it can pay all my shit.
Well first of all i'm just a 21 years old student, i need money to pay college and my parents are having money problems so i wanted to help them, we need the money and more now because my sister decided to live with us and her daughter, she was pregnant at 17 so my parents had to help her and Sophie, i love her she is the most adorable girl in the world.
I just arrived at the house where i'm working and it's the day when they tell you the rules and things like that.
I have to clean, make food and things maids usually do in houses like this, mansions.

"Y/N! darling come in" A woman told me as i knocked on the door.

"Hi, Louisa is a pleasure to be here working for you" I said a little nervous and she smiled.

"Come with me i'm going to introduce you to the family" She said grabbing my hand and guiding me to the kitchen.

"Guys y'all i need your attention, this is Y/N, the new babysitter and maid" Louisa said and everyone looked at me. A little boy like 4 or 5 years old, a man i think is Louisa's husband and a beautiful girl, with precious eyes and wow she looks stunning. No! you cant.

"So Y/N they are my family, Josh, our baby, he is 5, Alycia, my precious daughter and Roger my husband, so your job here is taking care of Josh and help me with the food, i know you would do it great honey" She said and i smiled.

"Hi" I greeted and they all smiled, Alycia smirked, wait she is smirking at me? no y/n you're imagining things.

"Hi nice to meet you Y/N, we gonna have fun" Alycia said and the last part was more like a whisper.

"Alycia, control yourself or i'll slap you, we did talk already" Louisa said and Alycia rolled her eyes.

"Whatever mom, i'll be in my room" She said standing up and walking next to me, before she left she winked and smirked. Wow.

"Y/N, don't pay attention she is just unbelievable" Louisa said and i nodded. "Well the rules darling, you can't eat on the kitchen, you eat with us, you work since 8 am to 8 pm, you can't flirt with my daughter, she has special likes and i'm pretty sure she already liked you, so stay away from her" She said and i got nervous, special likes?

"Oh, okay"

"Are you lesbian?" What?

"Uh... no, i'm bisexual to be honest" I said okay it started to be awkward.

"Well it's the same, remember the rules darling" She said. "Welcome to our house, now you can start, i need you to do my bed today and please help Alycia cleaning her room, she is always a mess" She left me on the living room and i nodded.

Well she actually doesn't want me bear of her daughter and she sends me to help her with her room, okay, weird. I went upstairs and find her room so i decided to starting cleaning up, she already explained me where the things are so i know how to find stuffs to clean. I went to do the bed.
After a while i started to clean the bathroom and then when i finished i went to Alycia's room, i was nervous so i breathe and knocked on her door.

"Come in" She said and i opened the door, her room was a mess her mom didn't lie.

"Uh... i need to clean here, if you don't mind me to do your bed and i can let you all alone" I said and i can feel my heart getting out of my chest, damn this girl makes me so nervous.

"Yeah, would be okay, come in and do you job" She smirked and checked me out.

"What are you doing?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Uh... nothing keep going" She said and took a sit in her couch. I sighed and starting to do her bed and i'm honestly nervous and pretty uncomfortable.

When i finished the bed i made sure it was perfect and i started to clean the floor, suddenly i felt hands in my hips and then someone turned me around.

"Damn you look so sexy there cleaning, it's driving me crazy Y/N, you just arrived here and you're making me feel this things about you" She said and i bit my lip nervously.

"I'm- i'm... just... i'm sorry but this is not right, this is forbidden" I said and she smirked.

"When it's forbidden it's even better" She looked at me and walked away.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now