toxic coffee - Alicia Clark

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cursive are flashbacks


It's been three months since we broke up, she was toxic, she always was right, she never could make mistakes because she is Alicia Clark.

"Stop doing that girl" I heard Al saying, i sighed.

"I can't, you can't heal a broken heart in months"

"Technically you can but you are just so attached to her, that's it, now forget her she's gone" She fixed her bag and stood up. "Now lets go, we have to move until we see that creatures again"

"Fine" I sighed and grabbed my bag and walked behind her.

We walked for hours with nothing but dessert in front of us, i couldn't stop thinking on her and the memories, it still hurts because she still is my everything.

"I can go!" I said, i saw everyone's gace in me, Alicia cough.

"No" She said.


"It's dangerous, it's not for you, i'll do it, the hard duty, it's mine Y/N" She said, everyone just kept in their conversation, Alicia grabbed my arm and dragged me to the trailer.

"Alicia let me go!" I yelled.

"No, you won't go and i won't hesitate on leave you here grounded, it's dangerous and you won't go anywhere if i can" She said angrily.

"Why? i'm capable of doing it! why are you like this Alicia? why you always keep me behind you! i don't want to be your shadow!" I yelled, she clenched her fist and i saw it coming.

"BECAUSE I WONT LOSE YOU, BECAUSE I WONT RISK THE ONLY ONE I CARE ABOUT! WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID GOD DAMMIT" She ended hitting the wall behind me, my breathe hitched, the tears came out rolling down my face, she relaxed her expression and walked away. "Y/N... i-"

"DONT!" I yelled, she walked to me. "Don't come closer! stay away from me!" I cried out, her face has a worried expression now, i grabbed my bag and walked out of the trailer, with no direction to follow, just the madness.

"Y/N!? Y/N!" I heard Althea, i looked at her.


"Again? look i found this place, i found coffee" I nodded and we walked to this old café, it looks devasted but it still has electricity and coffee to prepare.

"We don't have water" I said.

"I have" I heard someone, i turned over and saw her.

"ALTHEA!" I yelled, she shrugged and walked out, i was about to do the same but she grabbed my arm.

"Listen to me, please, i just need it, it took me months to find you, please, i'm nothing without you" She begged, i frowned.

"No Alicia, not anymore, i'm hurt, you hurt me" I said, she let my arm go and looked down to her hands.

"I'm sorry, i got out of control, i shouldn't have done that, i just wanted to protect you"

"With violence, by being an asshole to me?"

"No! of course no! i wasn't- i- i'm sorry, please just give me another chance, i won't fail you again, i promise i'll be good" She paused. "Do you want a coffee?" She walked to grab a cup of water and prepared a coffee. She walked to the table and pointed it, i sighed and just walked to the table.

"What is this about?"

"i want you back, please, i promise it's going to be different, i'm going to be different" She said, this feeling is stronger than me, but i can't give in.

"I- No" I said, she wanted to smile at first but suddenly her face changed to a sad and disappointed one.


"Because you were toxic to me, you wanted to protect me but you never let me do the things i wanted to do or at least to protect to you as well, you are so selfish that you just care for you, i cant deal with that anymore, i bear with your selfish ass for two years, i won't anymore because you will never let me be me, i need to discover the world and i know i'm capable of that, i need independence, i need my own space, you just hold me back all this time trying to protect me from everyone but i just had to protect myself from you, you never wanted to take care of me, you just wanted to feel better than me that's why you cant be without me now, because you don't feel better than anyone, because other people is not like me, they are strong and they show off they courage to you, they don't let you control them and now i'm one of them and this coffee won't change my mind because it's as toxic as you" I said, she looked at me in shock, like if she didn't recognize the girl in front of her.

"Y/N... no! I- Please"

"Good bye Alicia Clark, good luck" I said and walked out of the café, i saw Althea and she smiled.

"Done?" I smiled and nodded.

"Done" I grabbed her arm and we started walking again, we have no idea where we should go but we will find out, i will found out my direction.

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