Hospital fun - Alicia Clark

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I hate being at the hospital it's horrible, everyone just forgets about your existence for hours and then you see many faces checking on you, puncturing you, jesus just leave me alone.

"Hi i'm Alicia Clark, i'm going to check your blood pressure" I raised a eyebrow, she was actually the only one who actually have spoken to me.

"Hi, uh okay" I said, i sighed and let her to her job. She looked at the screen and typed down on a paper the number, frowned and then turned off the machine.

"How are you feeling?" She suddenly asked, i looked up to her eyes and blinked.


"Are you feeling okay?" She asked again.

"Uh... yeah, i'm fine i don't even know why i am here" I said, of course i know, i drugged myself until death. Almost.

"Your pressure is low, so i'm gonna go get some medication, maybe it will help since you can't eat anything" I nodded. She smiled and walked away.

I sighed. I wanted to die, i rather that than live here in this world that —in fact— sucks.
I closed my eyes and i felt steps in the room again, it was her, she put a plastic wire conectes to the VPV, she typed again on the computer and smiled.

"If you need anything just call me up" I nodded and she walked out.

She's actually nice and cute.
I sighed. I pressed the remote to change the tv and finally found something fun in the screen.


I laughed during fifteen minutes with the episode, it's with no doubt one of my favorites.

When Chandler wanted to kiss Monica to say good bye and then he had to kiss everyone so none of them would be suspicious about his relationship with her, it's just so funny!

I felt steps again.

"Everything okay?" Alicia asked again, i smiled to her and nodded.

"Yes thank you Alicia" She blushed and nodded.

She blushed???? anyway.


Two dats later i was soooo bored damn there's nothing to do here, i cant even eat anything. It's just awful.
Alicia is the only thing that actually has put a smile on my face the whole day, she always checking on me, every thirty minutes everyday, God she's so adorable.

We talked for like ten minutes and then she had to leave because one of the doctors called her but she promised me she will be back anytime soon.

Indeed she keeps her promises.

"Hi! i told you i'll be back didnt I?" I smiled.

"Yes, thank you" I said.

"Soo where were we?"

"We were talking about that time you fell off your bike because the girl you liked was waving at you" I laughed.

"Oh Y/N! don't laugh! it was embarrassing" She rolled her eyes. Oof my name sounds good in her mouth.

"I'm sorry. Well what happened?"

"She laughed" She looked at me dead serious. I bit my lip.

"Who wouldn't?" She hit my arm.

"Ouch! why you hitting me? i'm gonna report abuse" I said, she rolled her eyes AGAIN.

"You dramatic, anyway, we never talked again, actually she moved to Kansas" I pursed my lips and nodded.

"That's awful, have you felt that with someone else again?" She nodded and sighed.

"Yeah, once with my boyfriend but he died when all of this started, it doesn't make sense anymore to me, i miss him yes but you know missing someone won't take them back, but he was special and he is always in my heart just as a good memory" I nodded.

"You're right"

"And you?" I looked at her.

"Me what?"

"Have you felt that for someone?" For you.

"Nope, i haven't yet, i wish i could love someone someday, it's complicated, who gonna like someone like me? i almost killed myself for the fifth time this week, i'm problematic and broken, no one wants people like that"

"I would" She said and i looked at her.

I laughed. She's so funny. "Yeah right"

"I'm serious" She was indeed. "You're not broken, you're just left out, you haven't found your place and need someone to help you feel complete"

My heart raced, fuck why does she have to be this fucking beautiful.

"I—" She cut me off cupping my cheeks and pressing her lips to mine, i was shook! bitch she just kissed me! Oh my fucking God.

I reacted and kissed her back, it was so adorable, soft, a perfect kiss, just not in the right place.

If you think about that the hospital has no fun! it's boring, you have nothing to do, but she has make my staying here perfect. Everyday.

We pulled away and she opened her eyes sighing.

"Sorry... i wanted to do that for so long" I nodded. I would lie if i say i didn't want that too.

"You don't have to say sorry" I cleared my throat.

"I know we have met for two days but something about you just is irresistible, i cant get you off my mind, everyday i go home and can't wait to come back to work so i have a excuse to see you" I bit my lip, she's so cute. damn.

"I— i really don't know what to say..." I sighed looking at my hands. She sighed and i saw her nodding. She stood up.

"Um... anyway, i'll check up on the rest of the patients, if you need anything call me okay?" I nodded smiling shyly.

I really messed up, i should've said something, every word that was in my head right now, but i'm fucked up, i'm broken and i really don't want that for her.

The rest of the day was boring, she makes my days better when she comes here and we talk for hours or we play this stupid game where we write a word on a paper and the other tries to find out what word is based on the mimics the other do, ugh i miss her.

A girl walked in my room and i frowned.

"Hi darling, i'm vanessa i'm checking on your blood pressure, hope you don't mind" I swallowed.

"Uh... not to be rude or anything, where's Alicia?"

"Alicia? as Clark?" I nodded. "She has her day off today, she comes tomorrow again" I rose an eyebrow. How?

"Oh... thank you" I let her do her job but it feels awful, i miss Alicia.

She left and i felt empty, there's no fun here anymore if she's not with me. The hospital became boring again. No hospital fun for me because i'm an idiot.

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