Something different - Lexa

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The polis are great i mean you have everything, you can go out and play with the kids, enjoy the fresh air and fruit, there are a lot of fruit.
For the first time i feel complete, Clarke and I decided to make a deal with Lexa... talking about the goddess... God, she is wow, breathtaking, she is beautiful, wonderful and oh yeah i have a tiny crush on her... Yeah it's tiny okay don't judge me.
The skaikru and the trikru are living in the polis together i already told y'all that the polis are great.

"Y/N what are you doing here?" Clarke asked me as i was sitting on a tree.

"Nothing, just thinking" I said and she smirked.

"Is it about Lexa again?" Yep she knows.

"Nah, just about the world and how will i survive" I joked and she rolled her eyes.

"Y/N you're such a b-"

"Y/N!! what the fuck are you doing there! you can fall down and hurt you! God now get here now!" I heard Lexa's voice and my eyes widened. Shit.

"You're dead" Clarke whispered and i shrugged.

"I'll be down on a bit Lex" I said and she glared at me. I know how much she hates that i call her Lex.

"Don't call me that, you know i don't like it, you know that"

"I don't know shit heda"

"Ugh stop it that... makes me horny" She whispered the last past but still heard her.

"Oh well i'll go with O to hunt" I said getting down the tree.


"Well the mall Lex, o maybe we can go to mcdonald" I sarcastically said.

"You're... funny" She fake laughed.

"I know" I said and O came running and jumping on me, I heard lexa groan.

"Hiyaaaaa y/nn! i fucking missed you" She said and i know it's on purpose.

"Me too O, let's go!" I said and i grabbed her hand and walked away.

"That was intense, did you see her look? i mean she was burning me" O said and i giggled.

"She is... special..."

"You mean Jealous?" She said making fun of me.

"She is heda, why would be she jealous? i mean she can have whoever she wants and it's clear she doesn't like me" I sighed and she raised her eyebrow.

"Are you fucking kidding me? god you're oblivious, she is crazy for you and believe me titus told me he never saw like this before... no since..."

"Costia, yeah... i know that story actually pretty full of love" I said, i know she loved her and she suffered but still it makes me a bit jealous.

"She loves you y/n i know and you going to talk to her about your feelings and she will open up to you because she is always afraid to lose you" O explained and i just sighed looking at the lake.

"I don't know O... i mean... she is just... special, she is... something different"

"I know she has her things and she is different expressing herself but believe me she is crazy about you, i mean i'm sure she is now pretty jealous that i'm here with you, i bet she is thinking i'm fucking you so damn good and she is thinking it should be h-"

"Okay O shut up i've had enough, i don't know, Lexa is something i cant control, she had a temperament and im not sure if i can handle that" She rolled her eyes.

"She is possessive and you are hers, you know that she is always saying that to people" I frowned.


"She is always saying 'y/n is so perfect and mine' she is fucking in love with you and i'm sure she would build another polis just for you, open your damn eyes girl"

"I don't know O"

"Just do it" She said and hugged me.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" I heard a voice from behind, it's her.

"Lexa, uh... we were talking and i felt a bit down so she hugged me" I said as i pulled away.

"Are you that close to your friends?" She asked sassying me, oh okay this game can be played by two.

"Are you that bitchy to everyone?" She glared at me and O gulped.

"I think i saw something i will go check" O left us and i sighed walking towards the lake.

"Where are you going?" She asked me.

"I'm just walking" I said and sat on the grass in front of the water.

"Can we talk?"

"About what?"

"I'm sorry... i'm sorry for being this way with you i'm just... feeling different" I frowned and looked in her direction.

"Are you feeling different? about what?" I asked.

"You" My eyed widened and i started to get nervous.

"What about me?" She stayed in silence and just started to walk away. "God answer me and stop avoiding me Lexa!" I walked to grab her arm but she turned around and grabbed me by both of my arms.

"You, everything about you! jesus christ you don't fucking see it?" I shook my head. "I fucking love you, you make me feel this things i didn't know i have still on my organism, this feelings i didn't know i keep, you make me feel in love, completely fool for you, you don't fucking see it?"

"I- i don't know what to say-"

"Don't say anything, it's clearly you like Octavia and well go fuck her but don't fucking come to me later" She said and i raised my eyebrow.

"You're stupid? i fucking love you since day one and you're too blind to see it? and you think i will fuck a random girl just like that? what do you think i am?" I said, i was really offended.

"You're blind too" She simply said.

"Yes i am, for thinking you were special when you're just something different but a bad different you just think about what you see and you are so fucking selfish-" I was cut when i felt her soft lips in mines and god the whole world stops, i could hear my heart beat increasing as she put her arms holding me by my waist and pulling me close, it was the best kiss i've ever had, our lips moving in sync, i loved the feeling, an amount of butterflies in my stomach.
I grabbed her cheeks pulling away from the kiss.

"I'm not selfish, i just want you just to myself, i know that sounds selfish but i love you, i want you just to be mine, i don't want you to flirt with other girls or boys, i just want to have you to myself" She said and i giggled because she was rambling.


"Rambling i know god, i'm sorry it's just, i love you so much, i don't wanna lose you" She said and i cupped her cheeks. I kissed her pecking her lips and she smiled.

"I love you too, so much, you'll never gonna lose me, i'm here for you and to support you every day of my life, i wanna spend it with you"

"I want it too, i want with you everything i know it's going to be perfect and something totally different, but perfect" She kissed me and i kissed back, she is perfect.

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