It always has been me - Alycia

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"She said we could hang out maybe on saturday! ugh I am actually so excited about it" Alycia squealed.

"Don't tell me, Oh my god, so excited!" She rolled her eyes.

"You don't need to act sarcastic Y/N" I chuckled.

"You know is not actually my favorite topic to talk about what about we talk about pigs?"

"Don't be rude!" Alycia hit my arm.

"Hey! I am being rude? you just hit me" I cried.

"Don't be such a drama queen"

"I am not" I said as we sat in the park bench.

I sighed as the silence fell in between us for a couple minutes. I could see her looking at her phone while she would smile ear to ear. I knew she was talking to her, no need to ask.
Don't get me wrong I love to see my best friend happy but at what cost? To see her crying days after?
I tried to open her eyes but she's gotten her wrapped around her finger and there's nothing I could say that would change that.

I'm never gonna be her.

"Y/N? are you there?" I heard her voice calling me. I snapped back to reality and nodded.

"Yeah sorry I was just... thinking and looking the view" I smiled.

"I have to go, Julia texted me and she wanna see me" I bit my lip and nodded.

"Good luck in your date" She smiled and thanked me before walking away from me.

All the moments she could've noticed but it slipped through her hands because someone else's gotten all her attention.


"I got you this" I said giving Alycia a bouquet of jasmines, her favorite flowers. She smiled and hugged me.

"Oh my god! thank you these are precious and my favorite! You're such an amazing friend" She smiled as she looked at the flowers. Soon enough her eyes were caught by someone else, the girl walked right to her with a little box. She opened it and had a cute diamond necklace.

"Julia! oh my god you shouldn't! This is so beautiful, I love it!" She placed the flowers on her locker and gave the new present all the attention. I sighed and just walked away.

I'm just a friend and I'm never gonna be her.


"Have you told her?" Anne asked me.

"Of course not" I sighed. "That would ruin our friendship, we have been friends since forever"

"I know that, I've been here forever also, and also watching you suffer all this time" I shook my head.

"It's not worth it Anne"

"It is, what are you supposed to do? suffer in silence? Y/N you have to tell her" My heart raced at the thought. I couldn't.

"I can't" My phone started ringing and when Anne and I looked at the screen, we both look at each other.

"If that's not your sign I don't know" She shrugged.

"Hello" I said picking up ignoring her comment.

"Y/N?" I heard her voice, soft and low.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried. Anne gave me a look.

"Can I come over?" She sobbed. My heart broke.

"Of course love, you can always come" Another sob was heard and then the call ended.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now