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Alycia's pov

I have been on the set for the past two months non stop, i'm a bit tired but finally i'm home with my lovely girlfriend Y/N, she is a sweet girl, such an amazing girlfriend, i love her to death, i'm planning on marry her but i'm always worried, she hates that i worry for her, i know she is hiding something from me, i mean i've known her for six years and i'm still sure she hasn't tell me everything, i don't know what to do.

"Babyyyyy" She whined and i smiled when i felt her arms around me.

"Hey there beautiful" I said and kissed her, she kissed back and pulled away.

"I missed you so so much! how was your day?" She asked me and i took her to the couch.

"Tiring baby as always but i hate to talk about work when we are home and we have a lot of time to talk about us and do a lot of things together" I said and she pouted.

"Okay but i wanted to know how was it" She said in her baby voice and i chuckled, she is so cute.

"It was good you know next time you're coming with me because it's in your break from college okay?"

"Yay!! i'm excited! i'm honestly finishing my finals so i'm going with you to set" She said and hugged me.


We were watching movies and i felt her uncomfortable, she was breathing fast.

"Babe are you okay?" I asked, she nodded and got up, she ran to the room and i was confused.

I followed her and i don't see her in the room, i saw the box where she keeps her medications, i sat on the bed and read the box it was opened.


I read the prescription, it was a seizure medication, i was surprised, how? she never told me she has epilepsy or something, i'm even more worried now, i got up and knock on the bathroom door.

"Babe, baby are you there? baby are you okay?" I asked. No reply, i panicked for a while but then i felt the door opened.

"Yeah, why? i just had to come to the bathroom baby" She said and walked to the bed.

"Babe what's is this?" I asked and showed her the box, her face was pale, she almost fell but i grabbed her. "Hey hey are you okay? baby please tell me what's wrong"

"I- i Alycia don't worry okay? it's nothing" She said.

"It's nothing? why didn't you tell me?"I asked and she shrugged.

"I don't like you worrying about me that much, come on it's nothing that serious, just forget it"

"Baby! it's serious to me, please tell me, i want to be part of this too, i won't leave you because of this"

"I- i know just i don't want to worry you, it's nothing it's controlled i took my pills and that's all" She said and saved the box on the closet.

"Baby i'm worried about you because i love you, because you are my girlfriend and we are talking about epilepsy no high blood pressure or something like that, please i need you to tell me everything" I said and she sighed.



After she told me everything i finally understand, i just want she to trust me and not hide things like this from me, i wanna protect her from everything but she doesn't trust me to do it i can't.

"I'm sorry for not telling you, it's just you know how much i hate when people worry about me, i'm okay" She said and hugged her.

"I want to keep you safe please, don't hide things from me, we don't have to have secrets" I said and she nodded.

"Okay but stop worrying, i'm okay as long as i have my pills, just stop worrying" She said and i nodded, of course i will still worry about everything about her because i love her and i want her to be okay.

"Okay let's go to watch that movie" I said and she giggled, i carried her to the living room and we cuddle in the couch watching the movie until we both fell asleep.


It was a request sooo hope you like it :)

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