Miss movin on part 2

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Alycia's pov

Three weeks since i saw Y/N on the fair with her new girlfriend, i swear i cant handle it anymore, they post selfies on instagram, they went to the beach and shit and also they cuddle! ugh.

Why do you complain? you left her stupid.

Shut up mind, i don't need to listen to you now.
I got up of my bed and decided to go to Y/N's house.
Y'all wanna know why did i break up with her? Well first i was scared, totally scared that she would leave me, i wanted to marry her but i instead of propuse i broke up with her because i thought she will reject me.
I'm so stupid i know, God, now she has a girlfriend and i cant believe it.
I stopped my car and got out of it, i walked to the porch and sighed. I knocked the door and Y/N's mom opened it.

"Oh, Alycia, hi... what can i do for you?" She asked me.

"Well i want to talk to Y/N, please" I said biting my lip.

"Do you want to broke her heart again?" She asked and i sighed.

"No, i'm sorry i.. i need to explain her everything, i was a coward" I said and i felt my tears falling down.

"Mom, what happened? who's at the door?" Y/N asked, she saw me and sighed.


"What are you doing here?" She asked me.

"I need to explain everything, please let me, just ten minutes i swear, i'll make it worth it" She nodded and we went to her room.

"Okay, explain" She said and i sighed.

"Are you still with lauren?" I asked, Fuck what did i just say.

"Is that you want to explain because if it is that i don't wanna talk with you"

"No, i'm sorry" I take a deep breathe. "Well the day i broke up with you, i never meant to do it, i actually was about to do the opposite, i wanted something else" I said.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I wanted to propose but i was scared that you will reject me, i know i'm so stupid, i love you and i never stopped, now you have a girlfriend and i lost everything because you moved on an-" She cut me off but with her lips pressed in mines, it felt like paradise, after four months i felt her lips again, the lips, the only lips i crave the most, she bit my bottom lip and i moaned, she took it as advantage to put her tongue in my mouth, we kissed in sync like we were meant to be, i love her and i know she loves me.
We pulled away when air was an issue.

"I love you, i never stopped, i always have loved you, you are the only one i think everyday" She said cupping my cheeks.

"But wait, what about lauren?" She laughed.

"She is not my girlfriend, she pretended that day because i was destroyed and also, that day i went out for the first time in three months, then we hang out as friends, she is very supportive" She said and i sighed in relief.

"I thought i had lost you" I said and she sat on my lap.

"You we're going to propose and you were scared that i will reject you?" I nodded. "But baby i love you, i could never do that, i want a life with you" She said and i smiled.

"I love you, please be mine again?" I asked and she giggled.

"Yes baby, of course, you don't need to be afraid, i'm not gonna leave you" She said and i felt safe and confident.

"I want you to be mine forever, so marry me?" I asked and grab the ring i had on my pocket.

"What? are you for real?" She was shook.

"Yes, its real, i want it"

"Yes baby i want to marry you oh my god" She said and i smiled.

"Oh my god thank you baby thank you for being such ana amazing girl, you make me so happy and also thank you for forgive me, k love you" I said and she kissed me again, our lips moving in sync as always making me feel everything, that cliche things everyone said, she makes me feel that. Just her.

"Don't be a miss movin on again" I said pulling away.

"What?" She asked giggling.

"Don't move on" I said and she kissed my cheek.


We go on the bed and cuddle all day, watching movies and laughing, i love this woman so much and i could never leave her again, no more stupid me, i grew up and now i'm sure that she will never leave me.
She forgave me and that's something i never thing i'd happen.
She has such an amazing heart and i'll never break it again.

I love her with all my heart and now we gonna live our life together forever.

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