Mine - Alicia clark

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I walked down the hallway of the celia's house, i saw a lot of kids running and smiling at me, it feels so nice, to have a place where there's not filled with that infected people, according to Celia they aren't dead, they aren't the same and she rather to keeps them, because she sees in them, family.

"Hola señorita no debería andar sola por aquí" I heard Nick's voice, i rolled my eyes.

"Now you're speaking spanish? the time here is changing you nick clark" I added and he laughed.

"Hey, i try! my family doesn't speak it and i think it's pretty cool" He said and i smiled.

"It is when it's new, it was the same to me when i had to learn english because my family moved down to Los Angeles" I said and he giggled.

"By the way, you should teach me some words, since you speak spanish" He said, i frowned and looked by the window, i saw Alicia sat on the couch watching tv, i sighed and looked at Nick.

"Okay, i will"

"Sorry that i get in your business but what's wrong?" He asked and i shook my head.

"Nothing, it's nothing at all" I cleared my throat. "Let's go there and we can sit so i can teach you" He nodded and grabbed your hand, you felt awkward because he never grabbed your hand before, he always flirt with you but not physical contact at all.

"Okay! show me"

"Okay, um what do you wanna say?"

"Ohh... uh... let's see... wait tell me if i say this right okay?" I nodded and he cleared his throat. "Tu eres muy atractiva y hermosa" He said looking at you, you started getting nervous and bit your lip blushing a bit.

"Uh... you said it right actually" You finally spoke and you both giggled, suddenly someone cleared their throat behind you.

"What are you doing Nick?" Alicia asked her brother and he shrugged.

"Y/N was teaching me spanish" She raised a brow and sat next to me.

"Well leave" She said and he groaned and walked away. I rolled my eyes.

"Why were you so rude to him? we were just chatting" I spoke and she laughed. "What's so funny?"

"You think he enjoys time with you?" Why is she suddenly acting this way?

"I don't know what kind of drugs are you into but you don't need to get on me Alicia" I stood up and she grabbed my arm.


"You're not my mom, let me go!" I spat at her and she looked at me angry.

"Sit, now" I groaned and sat. It's incredible how i am so fucking whipped for her.

"What now?"

"You like him?!"

"Maybe i do! what's wrong with that?" I lied just to know where is she going with this stupid talk.

"You're gonna end up being hurt, he is an asshole"

"How can you talk about him that way? he is not that bad, he is a sweet guy and he has such a beautiful soul"

"Yeah like the soul matters" She said and i rolled my eyes.

"Well look you don't have to worry for me, if i get hurt you're the last person i will run to, to get comfort" I said. 

"Well i won't comfort you anyway, go and fuck him, you always wanted that, just i'm warning you HE. IS. AN. ASSHOLE" She spat and stood up and walked away, my heart ached in that moment as i felt my tears rolling down my face, i sighed and swiped them.

"What happened?" I heard Madison coming, i guesses she heard the yells.

"Nothing, your daughter is a bitch sometimes and so fucking oblivious" I said and she caressed my back, she looked at me and swiped my tears.

"Don't cry, it will take time for her, you didn't tell her how you feel and she thinks you wanna fuck her brother, she's just jealous" I looked at her confused.

"Whatever, i'm sorry Mads, i'm just mad, she yelled at me like i was nothing" I pursed my lips and she shook her head.

"It's okay, she's stubborn sometimes, don't worry, i'll talk to her later"

"It's okay"


I couldn't sleep so after everyone got in bed i sat in the living room watching tv, it was a very boring show and it was very old, it was nothing else, well what else can i ask for?
I looked outside and saw someone in the stairs in front of the door, i walked there not before turning the tv off.

"Hey" I said when i sat next to Alicia who was there looking to nothing.

"Hi, i didn't see you here, i thought you were sleeping" She spoke softly.

"No, i cant sleep"

"Neither can i" She sighed. "Y/N i'm sorry... i was so mean to you just because i was mad" She bit her lip.

"Don't worry, we all are mad or angry because of this"

"No... i- anyway i shouldn't have gotten all on you"

"Is something bothering you?" She looked at me and her eyes watered.

"Yes, i don't know how to tell you this" She said and her voice breaks.

"What's wrong? are you pregnant or something? oh wait don't tell me you can't get over jack, because i don't wanna hea-" She cut me off pressing her lips to mine, i couldn't react, i was shook but after a few seconds kissed her back, my heart was beating really fast and i thought for a moment it will get out of my chest. She pulled away and looked at me, she was blushing and bitting her lip.

"I'm sorry... you just don't shut up and-" She sighed. "I like you and i was really jealous when i saw you with him and he telling you things in spanish, my blood boils, i hate it because i wanted to be there with you and laughing with you all the time, not that asshole, i know it's my brother but it's an asshole because he knew i liked you and yet he was flirting with you, it's just he was taking you away from me" She spoke and i smiled.

"No one will ever take me away from you" I said, she bit her lip and leaned in. I started to feel all these butterflies in my stomach, when our lips met i felt like it was the right moment, that moment when you realize you love someone and where you realize it's the love of your life, it can sounds cliche or something but i feel this way, in this kiss, i felt she's the one to me.
After a few seconds she caressed my cheek and pulled me closer, her other hand was placed on my waist, she caressed my skin over my shirt and slowly started lifting it, she broke the kiss and stood up, she took my hand and dragged me inside to the couch, we were kissing the whole way to the couch and she let herself fall back on it, i placed myself in her lap straddling her as she was sitting in the couch, she placed both of her hands down my shirt slowly caressing my waist, our kiss became heated and she all the time won in dominance, i moaned a bit and pulled away.

"You're mine, okay? don't forget that" She spoke and i bit my lip nodding.

"Just if you're mine too" I added.

"I always have been" She said and smiled pecking my lips again.

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