Ms Debnam-Carey (3)

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Your pov

I went off my class and god dammit it turned me on so badly shit.
I want her so badly god, imagine that naked body. Oh god.

"Y/n!!! what the fuck??" Jesy slapped me and i looked at her.

"Did you just slapped me?" She laughed and i glared at her. "what?"

"You aren't listening to me bitch i was talking about the math teacher ugh she is killing me" She said and i raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah right uh Jess can you tell me an advice?" I said and she smirked.


"Well the thing is i think our science teacher just flirted with me and she 'accidentally' dropped her pen and when she went to grab it, her shirt let me saw a lot inside" I said and Jesy laughed.

"Oh god, that's hilarious, okay so your hormones are playing strong with you" She laughed and i rolled my eyes.

"It happened jesminda" I hit her arm and she glared at me.

"Okay you want an advice? fuck her, if she is horny with you, then go for it" She said.

"Wait are you serious?"

"Yes, but god she has kinks" She giggled.

"With students? so exciting" I said.

"With your teacher, how exciting" She smirked.

I went to my house later that day and decided to sent her a email, i have to move fast because otherwise it will never happen, o mean i'm a good student but i have needs to right?
Yeah whatever.

I grabbed my laptop and wrote down.

From: y/n.y/l/

Dear you, i know we had such a heated moment today, i was looking forward more... i know this is kind of illegal but when i saw you i couldn't contain my hormones.
I know this may sound weird but i cant help it.
I'll be at school tomorrow at 7 when no one is there, waiting for you.


I sighed and pressed send, okay i did it, there's no regrets now.
I smirked to myself and went to my bed, i really hope she shows up.


She sat me on the desk and started to kissing my neck, oh jesus, wet kisses has me wet already.

"Fuck" I mumbled as she sucked on my neck, she then took the hem of my shirt and lifted it, it went to somewhere in the classroom.

"God, you look so sexy" She said biting her lip and caressing my legs, her hands went inside my skirt and she massage my inner thighs, i moaned at the feeling.


"Call me Alycia" She said as she kissed my naked chest, i gasped at the feeling of her tongue in my naked skin, god it feels so good and even more because we are at school in her classroom, in her desk.

She started to take my clothes off and i did the same, i took her shirt off to see her beautiful body, exposed in from of my eyes.
She took my skirt off and put me on the floor.

"Turn around baby girl" She said and so did i.

She hugged me from behind and left open-mouthed kisses in my neck, my shoulders and my back, her hands traveled from my waist to my breast and she grabbed them making me moan.
She smirked into my skin and then sucked on my neck once more.

"Fuck, do something" I said and she giggled, i felt her  hands traveling down my body until her hands were in my hips, she massaged it and then took my underwear down, she went down and kissed my thighs, i went down to the desk exposing my ass to her eyes and she moaned.

"Jesus, you're full of surprises y/n" She said and i know she was smirking.

"You don't know" I said.

She then kissed my cheeks and stayed there caressing them with her hands.

"Fuck alycia please do-" She cut me off when i felt her mouth in my core, pleasing me, Jesus. She licked it and swirled her tongue in my pussy.

"Oh fuck yes, right there" I moaned and she put her tongue inside, it felt like heaven.

She keep doing that and i was a moaning mess, i grabbed the edge of the desk and bit my fingers to hold my moans as i felt her mouth in my core, eating me this good.
She stopped and grabbed me roughly, she sat me on the desk and opened my legs as fast as she can and went back to my core.
She sucked in my clit and i screamed her name out, she licked it once more and then put two of her fingers inside me.

"Oh fuck- fuck Alycia fuck" I moaned as she hit my g spot, i was cumming and she felt it.
She moved we fingers in and out faster and licked my clit again making me scream, i was shaking because i feel my climax coming.

"Cum for me baby, do it" She mumbled and her hot breathe touched my core, it was god heaven.
I cum and she licked everything, she went back to my lips and kissed me, i could taste myself and moaned at the feeling.

"God, you're hot and you tasted amazing baby girl" She said and started to get dressed.

"Wait, what about you?" I said and stopped her.

"Don't worry, that's a excuse for see you again" She winked at me. "I'll wait for you in my house and we gonna do something about it" She said kissing me and then left the room.

Wow miss debnam carey.


Double cause why not💀
hope you enjoyed the shitty smut there 👀 i feel like writing today so...

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