hidden - Alicia Clark

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Nick took me to the otto's camp, he said it's safe, i don't think that, i have been dating Nick for a while now, since he left his family and we met, now he reunited with them and took me with him.
His mom it's beautiful and adorable, she loves me, i think so she is always telling me how happy i make her son, then we have the beautiful Alicia, she's a goddess, her hair, her eyes, her lip, god her lips are so pink and kissable. I know having this thoughts make me the worst but i can't help it, since i met her i felt a crush.

She's actually dating Jack, i don't care about that much because i'm dating her brother but i can't deny i get jealous everything he comes around when i'm with Nick and Alicia eating or working.

"Hey baby, don't you think we can have this double date tomorrow?" Nick asked, i raised a brow.

"With who exactly?"

"Jack and Alicia of course, so you can meet her properly" My jaw dropped on the floor and i blinked, i think i'm going to faint.

"Oh well yes, if you want that Nick" I said and he smiled, he leaned in and pecked my lips, he stood up and walked away leaving me on the table alone.

I sighed, i hate this idea, not just because i have this crush with her but because i hate when she's with Jack near me.

I walked to my room and prepared myself to sleep, tomorrow will be interesting.


"Hi Jack, it's a pleasure to meet you, and you Alicia, Nick has spoken to me a lot about you" I said smiling, she bit her lip and scanned me, i felt a bit uncomfortable but i liked to feel her eyes on me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Nick has spoken a lot about you too, he can't shut up" She said and sat in front of me, i smiled.

"Good things i hope" She nodded.

The dinner was going pretty well, let's see we havent this fancy restaurants but this place it's cool.

"I'm going to ask for more, i'm so hungry" Nick said, i smiled, he pecked my lips and stood up.

"So Y/N, tell me what do you do?" Alicia asked.

"I was studying nurse, before this so i like to help people, as much as i can" I smiled, her eyes were brighter, she smiled and nodded.

"I volunteer too, it's great to have someone who makes the same as me" She said, suddenly i felt something making contact with my leg, it was her foot, was she teasing me?
I made eye contact with her and she was smirking, Nick suddenly arrived and sat next to me pecking my cheek.

"Here my love, do you want something?"

"No thank you Nick i'm-" I was cut off by the feeling of Alicia's leg reaching my inner thigh. "I'm good i mean, i will go to the bathroom" I said.

"I'm coming too!" Alicia said.

"I don't understand why you all need to go together" Jack said and i frowned.

"Well women things, men are so closed to understand" I said walking away, Alicia followed me, i entered the bathroom and rested myself on the sink.

"Having fun tonight?" Alicia asked, she was laying on the wall and looking at me.

"Yeah! enjoying so far, you?"

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