Like im gonna lose you - Alicia Clark

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{Treat you better second part} i recommend to listen the song while you read to make this more dramatic lol

Your pov

I arrived at my house, i opened the door of my room and let myself fall in my bed, i started to cry, i cant believe this is happening and Alicia is right, he is never gonna change but still i am here like a stupid giving him
another chance because my parents wouldn't approve if i was bisexual or a lesbian.
I sighed and swiped my tears away.

"Where the hell where you y/n!" I heard Mark coming to the room, my breathe hinched, i was scared.

"I-i came to my best friend hou-"

"WITH THAT DYKE? SHUT UP SLUT! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO GO THERE I TOLD YOU" He yelled and slapped my face, i hold my cheek and sobbed.

"S-she is m-my friend..." I said and shut my eyes when i felt his fist in my nose, it started to bleed, i felt the warm liquid coming down, then he climbed the bed and hit me many times in my stomach, i cried because of the pain.

"YOU ARE SUCH A STUPID SLUT" He kept hitting me and i cried and scream but he shut me.

"LET ME GO NOW" I scream and he pushed me making me fall on the floor, i hit my head and felt a bit dizzy.

"Stupid bitch, you are mine do you get it?" He spoke and i stayed in silence, i don't have strength to talk. "YOU GET IT?" He yelled and i nodded. "I'm going with Josh to get drinks, when i come back i want you here otherwise i'll fucking kill you" He said and slammed the door leaving me there in the floor.

I cried even more and hold my legs closer to my body, Alicia was right and i fucked up everything with her.

I found myself dreaming
In silver and gold
Like a scene from a movie
That every broken heart knows.

I tried to get up, it hurts so much, i shut my eyes holding the tears i wanted to let it go because of the pain, i walked out of the room and took my keys and bag, i realized it was raining outside, i let the tears go out, i couldn't hold it anymore.
I walked under the rain until i arrived at Alicia's house... i'm here again because of that idiot but i'm not coming back again.

I knocked on the door and fell on the floor.

we were walking on moonlight
And you pulled me close
Split second and you disappeared and then I was all alone.

"Who is- Y/N? oh my god what happened?" Alicia's voice invaded my ears and it was the only joy i had at the moment.

"He- he hit me" She fell on the floor next to me and pulled me closer to her, she held me, i gasped in pain, she let me go and cupped my cheeks.

"Oh god, we have to go to the police please now" I shook my head.

"Please just don't leave me" I said and she brought me to her house.

She cured me bruises and put me in her bed, she gave me new clothes and helped me to get dry, i still was sobbing and she caressed my cheeks.

"I'll protect you, always" She kissed my temple and i got in the bed.

"Please cuddle me, i'm so scared" I said and she smiled coming to the bed with me, i fell asleep in her arms, feeling for the first time, safe.

I woke up in tears
With you by my side
A breath of relief
And I realized
No, we're not promised tomorrow.

I woke up gasping and crying i had an horrible nightmare and looked around thinking i was in my home but i was with Alicia, she opened her eyes and looked at me lovingly, i sighed and she pulled me closer, she cuddled me and i felt asleep again, with her i have nothing to fear.

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