Me before you

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It was me a simple literature student, i had a partime work at starbucks and i really hate it because between the college and my work i cant see my friends or have a life.
I don't know if i should do something else, like i love literature but this works makes me hate everything about my life.

"Hey, Y/N?" My classmate and best friend Lindsey called me.

"Uh... yeah what?"

"You're not paying attention, it's important it's about finals" She said and i sighed.

"I know linds it's just i'm so spaced out lately, i'm tired you know?" I said whispering, she nodded.

"Miss Y/L/N and miss brooks, wanna share something to the class? i hope something about Shakespeare?" Miss Kavanagh told us.

"No, i'm sorry miss, we are paying attention" I said and she kept going with her class.


"Welcome to starbucks, what you want to order?" I asked to this customer and he was looking at the products we have.

"Uh.. i want a vanilla latte please" He said and i nodded.

"Okay it would be 3,55$, your name?"

"Justin" I typed his name on the cup and handed it to my partner, she started to preparing this latte for him.

"Hello welcome to starbucks, what do you want to order?" I asked to the next customer.

"Hi, i want a frappuccino" She said with a husky voice god it was hot.

"Okay, it would be 4,67$, your name?"

"Alycia" She said and i typed it. She payed me and when i put the money down i realized a little paper, i looked at it frowning and then looked at her but she is gone.

"Uh... Pat i'm going out for a while i feel dizzy" I lied and he nodded, then Nick came to replace me for a bit.

I went out and tried to find her but i don't see her anywhere, i walked a little to the beach which is next to the starbucks.
I looked at the ocean and then i felt the wind in my face, i feel totally lost, this girl made me feel free just with a look.
I know i just know her name but wow she can come back right?
Oh god look at me i'm nothing special to her.


Another day of college and work, i entered the classroom and saw lindsey, she smiled at me and we sat on our place, Miss kavanagh arrived and the classed started.

We had a partner project and as always linds and i are together so we decided to do it on saturday after work and in my house.


"Hi, welcome to starbucks, what do you want to order?" I asked, i am getting tired of ask this every day of my life, i'm tired of being here and don't do anything else.

"I want a latte" He said very serious.

"Okay, tall?" He nodded. "it would be 3.55$" I said and he payed me.

After a lot of customers more, i finally finished my turn.
I said good bye to Pat and Nick and went out, it was the sunset and the beach looked amazing.

I walked to the beach and sat down on the sand, it was warm. The wind played with my hair and i closed my eyes enjoying the feeling.
I put my hands on my pockets in my hoodie and find a paper. Oh my god i totally forgot about this and it's been a week!
I opened the paper and read.

Hi i know you don't know me, but that's how people have to know new people, call me :)
896-676-1432 xx

Wow wait she gave me her number and i just ignore the fact she did oh my god, i grabbed my phone and fastly typed the number.
It rang and then cut.

"I thought you won't call" Someone talked behind me, i turned around and saw her.

"Oh.. i'm so sorry i totally forgot you gave me that paper" I said biting my lip. She giggled.

"Don't worry at least you tried" She said and looked at me.

"What?" i asked.

"Nothing but your dress is pretty ridiculous" She said laughing and i looked at my flower dress and touched my chest in sign like i was offended.

"Wow that's really nice" I said and she giggled.

"I'm sorry but you look good" She said. "Actually pretty"

"You think?"

"Yeah probably you are the only girl who looks pretty good in such a ridiculous dress" She said and then i giggled. "But i like it"

"Thanks" I said and then we sat in the sand.

"So you work all day on starbucks?" She asked.

"No, just half of my time, i study at college, and you?"

"What do you study?" She asked.


"That's nerd, i study design" She said and i smiled.

Why is she looking at me like i'm a stupid? i don't know why but it's adorable.

"I'm a nerd then"

"The cutest nerd i've ever met" She smiled a bit.

"Sure" I giggled and she sighed.

So that's how everything started, and also that was me before you Alycia.

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