Netflix and confessions

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Your pov

I was waiting for my best friend Alycia to come to my house because we decided to watch movies all day and cuddle.
The truth? I like her since i remember.
The most sad part is that i don't even know if she feels the same, probably she doesn't.
The door bell interrupt my thoughts.

"hey lovely, i brought some snacks" she smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Hey! yas i love you for that" She giggled, gosh this is the sweetest sound ever.

"So, what movie we should pick first?" She said.

"what about... 13 going to 30?" i suggest and she chuckled. "what?"

"Lets gonna watch the conjuring" She said and i rolled my eyes.

"You know i hate the scary movies" i pouted and she shook her head.

"i'll protect you" she smiled and we started to watch the movie.

After a while i was shaking because this movie is so scary i mean they are living with a demon what the fuck. I sighed and i felt alycia's hand caressing my waist, it feels so good to be honest, i bit my lip a little enjoying her touch.

"you like that?" she teased, i looked at her in shock.

"uh? i..."

"it's okay lovely" she whispered in my ear.

Gosh she will be the death of me.
The movie kept going and then in that part when the demon grabbed the girl by the hair i screamed and she hugged me even more.

"baby everything's okay, it's just a movie" she giggled and i covered my face between my hands and her body.

"it's scary please take it off" i said in the edge of tears.

"baby are you serious that scary?" i nodded she stopped the movie and looked at me.


"you are so adorable, i don't want you to be scared babe" She said, wait she called me babe? oh my god like she never called me that before. I love it.

"you love what?" shit did it say it loud? "you did" she giggled.

"damn" i said.

"y/n... i like you" she bit her lip, wait what?

"you what?" i asked.

"i like you, so much" she looked at me.

"i like you too, too much since forever" i said bitting my lips. She smiled.

"you do?" i nodded.

"god, i thought i'd never tell you this" i giggled.

"me either but i had to i cant handle it anymore, i need you to be mine, call you mine, kiss you all the time" she said.

"that sounds so good" i said and we started to break the distance between us, our lips met finally in a sweet and passionate kiss, she put her hands in my waist putting me close to her, i leaned my hand to her neck making the kiss more intense, when the air was an issue we broke apart.

"wow" she said. "that was the best kiss ever"

"it was" i leaned again and captured her lips again, she giggled between the kiss and it went heated now, she asked me for entrance and i let her in, she moaned a little, gosh i would be lying if i say it doesn't turn me on. I bit her lip and she climbed my lap, deepening the kiss.

"Alycia..." i said bitting my lip, she hummed in response while she was now kissing my neck. "we should... uh... s-stop" i moaned a little.

"but you are enjoying it" she pouted.

"as much as i am enjoying it, isn't the time" i bit my lip and she giggled.

"okay, can we watch another scary movie?"

"are you kidding me?" i looked at her.

"no, because we can end up like this again" she laughed and i rolled my eyes hitting her arm.


"will you be my girlfriend? this silly is dying for you to be hers" she said blushing, i blushed as well at her cuteness.

"of course" i said and we kissed again.

Who said it would be good after everything watch horror movies uh?
we shared a bit kissed during the day and it was pretty god, my lovely best friend now my girlfriend, the girl i love now mine, the best day ever.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now