Forbidden part 2

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It's been three weeks since i started to work for Louisa, her house is amazing and all her family is so sweet with me, Josh is such a cute little boy he loves to play with me on his xbox and hide and seek.
You maybe are asking for Alycia, well since the first situation we didn't talk for four days and was so awkward even more that one day i walked in her room and she was naked damn it my mind was thinking million things i could do to her, but no! damn it i can't because i could lose my damn job. I don't know why Lou told me that to be honest she didn't mention get me fired but i'm not sure about it.
After that days we shared some heated kisses and the worst part is i'm staring to like her and i don't want to develop this feelings for her because she probably won't feel the same about me.

"Y/N darling me and my husband will be out tonight, please can you make me a favour and stay the night? i really need you to take care of Josh and look for Alycia, she can't go out" Lou said and i nodded.

"Yes perfect, i will don't worry, go out and have fun Lou" I said smiling and she hugged me.

"I'm serious about my daughter, she can hurt you and i know it's my daughter but she loves  take girls and then leave them, i don't know how to control her to be honest and i just want her to change" She said and now i understand everything. She is like a fuckgirl fucking with all the girls she wants.

"Oh i get it, uh don't worry" I smiled a bit.

"If you could change her could be amazing" She said and i frowned.

"Oh uh... no i don't think i could do that, i- i no i can't" I said stuttering.

"Darling we have to go" The man said and she smiled.

"Yeah, come on, thank you again Y/N" She said and left.

I sighed and walked to the kitchen, i started to make dinner for us three.
I put some music on and started to dance while i was cutting the vegetables.
Making food is fun when you enjoy the music and what you're doing don't judge me i love music and cooking.

"Having fun i see" Someone said and i jumped scared.

"Jesus christ Alycia you scared me" I said touching my chest with my hand.

"Am i that ugly?" She asked and i rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Alycia, im making food and will be ready soon, so you can get Josh" I said and turned around to wash the vegetables.

"He is sleeping now, taking one of his wonderful naps" She said and got close, i felt her hands in my hips and bit my lip as she pulled me close of her body. "We are alone and we can do everything"

"Alycia..." I whispered as i felt her lips on my neck and her hot breathe in my skin.

"What baby don't you like it?" She said and i realized what is happening.

"No, stop it" I said and pulled away and sighed.

"What is happening to you?" She asked and i sighed.

"Nothing, just stay away" I said and she looked at me and i could see her eyes like she was about to cry, what?

"She told you i'm bad for you didn't she?" She walked away and shut her door.

I sighed, wow was she really about to cry?

Alycia's pov

I cant fucking bear with it. My mom always thinks i'm a bad girl or that i fuck every girl around, well yeah was true almost a year ago but i really changed and for the first time i was feeling things for her, i'm still feeling it every time i see her, she makes me happy, she makes me feel butterflies every time she looks at me or when we kiss.
We have been sharing some kisses and it's been amazing, i'm starting to like this feeling  i mean she is beautiful, powerful, gorgeous, she is perfect, she is changing me, she is making me fall and hard.
Obviously no one believes it.

I was laying down in my bed texting my best friend Eliza and i really think i need to tell her about it, but what if she doesn't believe it? Well i mean she is my best friend so she will understand me and support me in my new me, right?

Me: i'm tired.

Eliza: lets go party and we fuck some chicks

Me: nah, i just want her cuddles

Eliza: Cuddles? awe you turned soft?

Me: I'm falling in love with someone who seems forbidden.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now