Promo time - Alycia

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I walked on the big building trying to find the big elevator, I honestly was tired already, i walked around ten streets to be here now, I don't really want to walk more.
I'm a pretty lazy person who doesn't really like to walk a lot, specially for stupid meetings at 9 pm. That's not my thing.
I'm currently shooting a new movie and got called by Jason because he has something to 'offers' me. I have no clue about this mysterious thing.
The past year I was shooting a few scenes on her tv show 'The 100' in the end I died, as many of their characters in the season 3.
I was now focused on my actual job, a LGBT movie I was working on, it was intense but I really like it. The people who follows me actually adore the work we do with that kind of movies, even though when people judge them real hard.

I sighed as the elevator opened in the 5th floor, I walked outside and made my way to Jason's office. In the way there I heard a familiar voice behind me.


I turned over making my heels swirling in the floor. "Alycia? is that you?"

She chuckled at my response, she walked closer and hugged me. "Long time no see! all I know from you are a few comments on my posts and of course your photos on instagram" She spoke, I giggled.

"Life's busy, Miss, you know it pretty well" I said, she nodded agreeing.

"Totally, what are you up to?" She asked with curiosity on her eyes, as always, she's known for her curiosity.

"Well... Jason called, I couldn't said no" I rolled my eyes as I cracked a smile.

She rose one of her eyebrows. "Oh really now? me too... By the way, how could you say no? You always have to say yes darling, Typically you" She said.

I gasped as if I was offended. "I'm quite offended by you right now, I actually can say no"

She chuckled. "That time you were so busy finishing a school essay and filming The 100, I asked you for a coffee. You said you were busy BUT yet you said yes, you can't say no"

"Oof yeah, well, it was you, what do you want me to do?" She blushed.

"My favorite girls!" We heard a voice and turned our faces to see Jason standing in front of his door looking at us with a smirk. "Come in please"

He said and we did, we walked into his office and he told us to take a seat, of course we did. It's been a while since I was here, long meetings about our scripts and about the eternal sex scenes we had to fake.
Of course not Alycia and me, that's some thing we NEVER did on cameras but you could sense the 'sexual tension' in between our characters. It's just that never happened.

"Okay, what I'm about to offer to the both of you, is something really important to me and to our show" He paused. "I know the both of you died in the show but we are planning a return, not exactly taking you both to life again, but in a visit to the city of lights. Remember?" We both nod as we looked at him confused.

"And what does that exactly mean?" I asked curiously.

"Well we are planning a back story, you know Lexa and Nora, the real lovers behind all of that war, of course not to mention the little affair you had with Clarke" Alycia rolled her eyes.

"The point is?" She asked clearly annoyed, they are near the season 5 and still want to bring us back?

"Well you know the LGBT gives the show a big audience, we're looking for more! Since Lexa died we lost some viewers... so we want to gave them a little reason to stay on more" He said.


"Well appearing in the show would be amazing but also if we make a fake date" I frowned.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now