Messed up - Alycia Pt II

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part 2 gorgey hunsss


After that day nothing was the same literally, I was so sad about the fact she never got to tell me she was in love with me and she decided to tell me when i was engage, a whole relationship later.
Daniel decided it was time for me to move out there because he wasn't totally happy with me living there while she was in love with me. I agreed. I know i'm a bit stupid i should've solved everything with her but instead of that i ran away.

I moved into Daniel's apartment, he was so nice all the time giving me support and cheering me up, i tried to reach Alycia but she didn't pick up any of my calls and blocked me from all her social media, literally ghosted me for literally 2 months.

It's been two months already and i really miss my best friend but there's something else... I miss being with her, I miss her hugs, her random cuddles, when she was sick and i took care of her, placing a blanket on her, giving her soup and kissing her head randomly because she was adorable.

Thinking about all of this made my heart skip a beat, butterflies all over my tummy and there was when i realize i messsd up things real hard.

But don't get me wrong I love Daniel, i truly love him, i just think now... i'm not in the right place.

"Baby, would you like pasta or pasta?" He asked me as he sit on the couch next to me wrapping his arms around me pulling me close.

"Do you know something else?" I smiled. "Pasta it's okay my love"

He placed a quick kiss on my lips and stood up walking to the kitchen. He's just amazing.

I felt my phone buzzing. I checked and was a message from Louisa, one of my best friends.

Louisa: Girls night tonight! you up?

Me: what? this is so random haha but sure! where:)

Louisa: that's a surprise i'm picking you up

I smiled. "Hey baby, i'm going out today with the girls" I said as I walked in the kitchen, Daniel looked at me and smiled.

"Okay honey but give a day, i miss you" He walked to me hugging me.

"But baby we've been together since i moved in! but for sure tomorrow's your day" I said, he smiled and rubbed his face with mine, i cupped his cheeks and kissed him slowly, softly.

"God i love you so much" He said. I smiled.

"I love you too" I replied and he pecked my lips one more time before he went back to cook the pasta.

After we had our lunch, i walked to the room to get ready, i put on a casual black dress and some heels, I left my wavy hair free for a while and did a slight make up.

I received a message from Lou, she was coming, so I walked to the living room and Daniel was reading, i cleared my throat.

"Oh my— woah" I smiled. "You look so beautiful" He stood up walking to me.

"Awh darling! Okay Lou is almost here, so i'll see you later, don't wait for me, i bet i'll be home late" I said, he nodded.

"Take care babe, imma be impatient for you to come home so i can rip that dress off" He said, I rolled my eyes.

"I promise you will soon rip a dress off" I winked at him and walked to the door not before i gave him a quick peck.

"There you are! girl you glowing!" Lou said.

"Thanks boo! you don't look so shabby yourself!" I said, she smiled.

"Let's go to the best night of your life"

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now