Weak - Alicia Clark

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Warning: self-harm (if you're sensitive to this topic don't read)

Have you ever feel like you have nothing to live for? that's my case... My family died, my friends are lost, now i have no one and nothing. I'm alone trying to find people who can help me, lately i haven't even found water or food. I'm desperate for something to drink or eat, i think i'm going to die soon.

Since my family died i started feeling weak, even when outside i look strong, that's what Al said. I was stronger.
It's a lie, a big lie, i tried to kill myself with her pills in the big tank but no they saved me, June is always trying to save people... Oh June how much i miss her.

I think now there's no one left, i have walked for days now and still can't find anyone.
I saw from the distance a car, i swallowed and squinted my eyes, i tried to see if someone was inside but nothing, my vision was blurry and i can't even keep my own body up when my legs are starting feeling weak.

"Hey!" I heard. "Hey hey! Jesus no, hey can you hear me?" She asked again, God her voice sounds like an angel, am i dead?

"Water" I mumbled, she grabbed a cup and gave me water. I started drinking faster and she stopped me. "Darling no, slowly, you can't drink water like that, is not healthy and you can make yourself serious damage" She said sighing.

"Thank you" She nodded and i sat in the road.

"Where are you from? you look like you have been walking for years" She added, i nodded.

"Something like that, i thought no one was here"

"Well im no one" She smiled, i finally could see her face better, She's beautiful woah.

"I'm— i'm Alycia, what's your name?"

"I'm Y/N, i'm a nurse, that's why i'm here, i tried to save those people in the car but it was impossible" I sighed. Another life savior.

"That's amazing Y/N" I smiled a bit.

"Well come with me, you need liquid and food" She said and i nodded.

"Thanks" I said as we started walking, we walk for i don't know more than thirty minutes, if i could count i would say it is.

We arrived at a building, it was pretty empty to be honest. She opened the door and we walked in, she placed her things on the table next to the indoor door and turned over to face me.

"You can take a shower and eat something after, i'll be here waiting if you need anything" She said, she was so cute.

"Okay thanks" I said trying to smile. I walked to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, i looked like shit. I started to cry, i can't believe i'm all alone in the world now. How did i end up like this??? I sobbed. I looked around and took out my boots, i found my knife.

I looked at my arms, i cried, i feel a desperation in my chest, it hurts, it burns, i feel empty and lonely. I don't wanna live like this anymore.
Memories came to my head. I tried to pull them away. but they just don't go.

I placed the knife in the wrist and slowly pressed and moved to cut my skin, i closed my eyes and hissed in pain, it feels almost pleasurable, to forget the emotional pain using the physical pain.

I repeated it many times in my arm, i cried, i yelled suddenly i felt the door opening.

"Alicia!! what are you doing?!" I heard Y/N's voice asking, i sighed and let the knife fall.

"I'm— i'm sorry... i feel— weak, i cant live anymore it hurts, i'm so weak!" I said breathing out, she sighed and looked for towels, she put them in the arms to stop the bleeding.

"No please baby, don't do this! you have many things to fight for yet! the world isn't ending for you yet, even when we are living the worst days, you have me! i found you, you found me and i won't ever leave you, you heard me? i'm here with you!" She spoke, i felt my heartbeat increasing, like if it was excited, feeling happy, healing.

"You promise?" She smiled.

"I do" She helped me to stood up  and walked me to the bed, she placed me there and cleaned my arm, she put bandage around it, i felt loved at the moment, someone is taking care of me after all this time. It feels warm.

"Thank you"

"You have been thanking me a lot, haven't you?" She smiled, she placed a soft kiss in my forehead and i nodded. Her lips were so soft and they felt wonderful in my skin.

She stood up and covered me with the blankets, she smiled again and walked to the door.

"Y/N... can you please— stay with me?" I asked, i was nervous and i don't want her to leave.

She smiled again, again, her smile is like a drug. "Yes baby" She said. It sounded heavenly.

She walked to the bed again and lied down next to me, i sighed and placed myself closer to her, she wrapped her arm around my shoulders and pulled me even closer.

"I'll take care of you Alicia, you are stronger than you think, you're not weak baby" She said and kissed my head.

"You'll make me strong" I whispered and fall asleep.


This was a request hope you enjoy!

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