English love - Alycia pt II

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I woke up the next morning, opening my eyes, i stretched myself as i smiled again. Today i'm having lunch with Y/N!
I got off of the bed, i looked at clock and it was 9. I walked to the shower and took a warm one, i got dressed with a cute blue dress with white lines. I let my hair weavy and did a simple make up, just applying mascara and lipgloss.

"Hey there... wow, you look absolutely beautiful" I heard Georgia walking in my room, i turned to her and smiled.

"Thanks! you too!" I said, i walked to the bed and grabbed my purse.

"Are you going somewhere?" She asked.

"Uh... to have breakfast with you guys, let's go find Maia and Marny" I said, she grabbed my arm when i was walking and i turned to look at her.

"Wait" She said licking her lips.

"What's wrong?"

"I— umm Alycia i have to tell you something" She said, i sat in the bed and she sat next to me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, she nodded.

"Yeah... it's just... um, i don't know how to tell you this, it's just—"

"Hello my gays! let's go to have breakfast i'm starving" Maia walked in the room and i stood up.

"You can tell me later" I said, she nodded disappointed.

"Woah woah girl, you look different today, also this outfit, are you going out?" Maia asked, my heart raced again remembering i'll be out with Y/N.

"Um... that's what i wanted to talk to you all" I said smiling stupidly.

"What is it?" Marny asked.

"Um, well Y/N texted me last night and invited me to have lunch with her, i was wondering if you guys are okay with me being alone today" I asked.

Maia clapped and yelled. "TOLD YOU!!!!! you owe me fifteen Marny" I looked at them confused.

"Damn it! Can't believe i lost"

"Did y'all bet on me?" I asked.

"Yes, well in your gay ass and Y/N, that girl makes fast movements!" Maia said.

"It's totally find if you go! go and have some lesbian fun, you'll like it" Marny said. I heard Georgia groaning.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"Nothing" She stood up and walked away from us.

I really don't understand anything now.

"Don't mind her, she's emotional i think so, maybe she's on her period but anyway! what time are you going?"

"At 1, so i look good?" I asked.

"Absolutely, she going to love you" Marny said. 

I smiled. "I don't know what's going on with me but ugh, i can't help it"

"You like her, this was like love at first sight, oh my god like in the movies, this is so romantic" Maia said, i chuckled.

"I don't know..."

"You don't deny it! you totally like her!!! Aww" Marny added.

"Maybe... it's weird and new for me, literally don't understand what's going on"

"Live it, enjoy it" I bit my lip and nodded.


"Woah... you look quite beautiful today" She complimented me, i blushed as always.

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