Ms Debnam-Carey

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Today was the first day of high school, im finally growing up and i cant wait for get out off this hell already.
This year is going to be good, i heard we have a new science teacher, i don't know her name yet but everyone is better than Mr Brooks.

"Y/N, you're getting late for school!" I heard Camila my babysitter yelling me from downstairs. 

"Yeah yeah i'm up yo! geez!" I yelled back.

She loves to annoys the shit out of me, but she is hot.

"Where's maggie?" I asked her arriving at the kitchen.

"Still sleeping" Camila said and i rolled my eyes.

"Why didn't you wake her up?"

"Because she is good" She said and i gave her a glare.

"Good, im going to school, bye" I said and she just nodded.

"Have a good day" Camila said as i left the house.

I Walked to school because i live just twenty minutes from it.
I was expecting just the best day ever but it's school so my hopes weren't too high.

"Y/N!!!!" Jesy my best friend hugged me as i arrived school, i hugged her back.

"God! how was hawaii?" I asked her.

"Good! I missed you" She said and we hugged again and suddenly the bell rang.

"Lets go! we need to meet this new teacher" I said and we walked to our classroom.

We waited for fifteen minutes and then the door was open, we saw a beautiful girl walking in, i was shock because she is so beautiful oh my god no i cant have this thoughts, i mean it's my new teacher, damn it.

"Hello class my name is Alycia Debnam-Carey and i'll be your new teacher this year" She said and the whole class was in silence.

"Woah she is hot" I mumbled but Jesy heard me.

"Woah control your hormones kiddo" She said and i blushed.

"Well i like to meet my students so can you all introduce yourselves one by one" She asked and we all nodded.

"Hi, my name is Sarah, i love this school and specially this class" She said and i rolled my eyes, she is a bitch.

"Hi my name is Aaron, i love science and i already see we have chemistry" He said and she chuckled.

After like fourteen introductions it was my turn oh god.

"Hi, my name is y/n... umm i like science and i bet you're better than mr brooks" I'm so stupid, so i took a sit again, i felt her gaze in me and it made me nervous, i looked at her and she was smirking, smirking????

"Okay class, we going to talk about the cell, what's a cell?" She asked and everyone stayed in silence.

"It's the functional and structural unit of the organism, it has a nucleus enclosed in a membrane and different organelles inside on the cytoplasm" I answered and she smiled.

"Thank you y/n i see someone really like science" She said and started to walk in the classroom.

The class was pretty slow and i was falling asleep, not because she is boring but because all she is talking i already know and it's repetitive.
The bell rang and we all got up to leave the classroom.

"Y/N, see you at lunch, i have maths and miss edwards hates us being late" Jesy said and i giggled nodding.

"Go ahead" I said and i grabbed my things to leave.

"Y/N" I heard she calling me.

"Yeah? is there something wrong?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No, uh... i like your interest in science and i just wanted to congratulate you for being such a good student, i read the book from the last teacher and he said you were exceptional, i like it" She smiled and winked, i nodded and bit my lip, i was nervous i mean she is a goddess and she is talking to me i don't know what to do.

"Uh... thanks i guess" I said and she bit her lip.

She dropped her pen to the floor and i gasp because at the moment she crouched to grab it her shirt showed a lot of her chest, oh my god this thoughts.

"Like what you see?" She asked and i looked away.

"I... i- i- have to go" I said and walked out of the classroom.


Part 2?🤔

btw check my new story! Catfish :) and tell me what u think!!

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