Selfish - Alycia

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Right here, right now i'm siting on the set watching my girlfriend doing her scenes on her show, Fear the walking dead, you know who i'm talking about? yeah Alycia Debnam-Carey.
Well the thing is we are not public yet, after 3 years she doesn't let me kiss her, touch her and be cute with her in public, she says her manager doesn't let her come out yet, because her career is just starting, well bullshit. She told me Alycia can go out when she wants because after she played Lexa on The 100 the fans begged for Alycia to be gay. So she is just too selfish to come out for us both.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Kim asked me as she walked towards me.

"Nothing." i spat, i don't really like talk to anyone on set because i am already uncomfortable with this secret.

"Come on, i'm not idiot and you need someone to talk to" She said, i looked at her and she just sighed.

"Look i know about you and Alycia, it's pretty obvious and also i know you are pretty done with the fucking secret shit" She added, wow she knows a lot.

"Well yeah... I am so done and yeah i was thinking about it now" I said and she nodded.

"You'll break up with her?" She asked me and i just nodded.

"Hey, what are you both talking about?" Alycia came to us and sat in my lap, i fake smiled and she kissed my cheek.

"Nothing, your friend is pretty cool Alycia" Kim said and wink at me, Alycia noticed it and just groan.

"Uh, sure she is, that's why is my friend and you are not on her league come on" Alycia spat at Kim.

"Well if i was younger i would definitely hit on your friend" She winks again and i realized what is she doing.

"What? Excuse me? you cant hit on her because she is not available for you" Alycia said getting up.

"Well that's a shame, tell her boyfriend or girlfriend they are lucky, i bet she or he shows her to the whole world so proud, i mean with a girl like her, wow" Kim said and leave i just giggled.

"I like her already" i said and Alycia hit my arm. "Ow, why was that?"

"Because you are being an asshole" She said and crossed her arms.

"Me? sure" i said and got up walking to the bus.

"Wait... what did you mean there?" Alycia asked me.

"You don't know, don't you?" She shook her head. "Well i'm tired okay? i'm done with this shit Alycia"

"What do you mean?"

"Us, there is even an us? because in front of everyone i'm your friend but behind closed doors i'm you "everything"" i said making gestures with my hands.

"You know i'm not ready yet and my manager says-"

"Bullshit!! Alycia that's shit, she talked to me and said that you could come out a long time ago because of Lexa!, that's just you being selfish" I yelled at her and she just looked to the ground. I'm right.

"Baby i-"

"Don't baby me okay? we are over" I said and grabbed my things leaving the bus.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now