Messy - Lexa

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Your pov

It's been a while since i saw Lexa smiling, since Costia died she wasn't the same, but lately she is too giggly and smile a lot about everything i say or do, like it's weird isn't it?
Okay to be honest i don't know, She has been my crush for five years, Costia was like my best friend and i couldnt do that to her, when she died Lexa was destroyed, Lexa loved her so much and she almost die with her, Lexa promised herself to destroy The ice nation for what they did to her.
It's complicated everything, she slowly is killing them, i mean she is Heda and she knows how to do things.
Clarke, a skaikru. She has been on Lexa's life for a year now and it seems like Lexa enjoy her company, i know i'm talking with my jealous side but i have been in love with her for long time and Lexa lately is showing me some attention i just cant let it go so easily.

"Y/N, Heda is looking for you" Titus said and i nodded.

"I'm coming, thank you titus" I said and walked to Lexa's room.

"Heda, you wanted to see me" She turned towards me, she looked so beautiful without the make up, she was in comfortable clothes and she smiled.

"Yes Y/N, Titus you can leave us alone" She said and titus nodded, i looked him leaving and when he closed the door, Lexa sighed.

"Is everything fine Lexa?" I asked and she shook her head. "What's wrong?"

"I'm feeling something y/n, i cant help it for long time, thats why i called you here" She talked and i sat on the bed listening to every word that came out her mouth.

"I'm here to listen to you, tell me" She turned her head to look at me and she caressed my cheek, i shut my eyes at the contact and sighed.

"You are literally so beautiful" She said and i opened my eyes looking at how close she was from me, i felt her breathe hit my lips and licked my own.

"You are more even beautiful, you are perfection" I mumbled and she smiled.

"I'm messy" She said and got more even close if it's possible.

"Of course you're not" I said and she giggled.

"You make this messy me be a less messy" She said and i looked at her confused.


"Yes you, i have been feeling a lot of things for you beautiful, you make me happy and i thought i would never feel like this again, i'm feeling more intense feelings than with Costia, she was right" What?

"Wait, what? she was right? who?" I asked.

"Costia" She said and i frowned.


"Before she died, she told me she knew how i looked at you, she smiled and told me i will fall in love with you even more than i was falling, i never payed attention on that because she was my everything and i thought she was messing with me, but she was right.
When she was about to die she told me you loved me, that you were in love with me and i didn't believe it, she told me to be happy she wanted me to be happy with you" I looked at her and sighed.

"She told you that?" She nodded. "It's true... that i'm in love with you and i have been for i think five years" I said and she smiled.

"Oh god, i'm in love with you too, you don't even know how much you make me feel Y/N, you are everything i need to be happy and strong" Lexa said and then i felt her lips pressed with mine, i was shocked at first but kissed her back, our lips fit just perfectly, like we were meant to be.
We kissed in sync and it was so beautiful, so magical, so right. We finally pulled away because air was an issue and she opened her eyes slowly to look at me and smiled.

"I love you Y/N"

"I love you too Lexa Kom Trikru" I smiled and we shared another sweet and soft kiss.

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