Like friends do - Alycia pt 2

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Y/N woke up the next day, her eyes looked so red and puffy after she cried the whole night. She was very disappointed and more because she couldn't stop thinking on what happened the day before. She shook her head and got up walking to the bathroom and taking a hot shower.

She was drying her hair and she heard the doorbell, she groaned but walked to the door and opened it.

"Maia? what are you doing here? i didn't even know you were here" Maia rolled her eyes.

"I arrived last night, Cierra and I will attend to an event, i invited Alycia but i haven't seen her, that's why i came here, she always visits you first when she arrives" Maia explained as she walked in, Y/N frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Yeah maybe she stayed over, you know" She raised her brows, Y/N looked at her confused.

"No. I don't even know what do you mean"

"Wait, she isn't here?" Maia was surprised.


"She said she was coming and she needed to talk to you, she asked me for advices and..." She stopped talking.

"Advices? what are you talking about Maia?"

"I think is not my place to tell you this"


"Nothing" She cleared her throat. "I think you should talk to her"

"She left last night, i didn't even know where she is"

"She left? what happened?"

"Uh... long story"

"I have time"

Y/N sighed. "We were here on the couch talking, i went to prepare some popcorn and came back, she grabbed my hand and kissed me" Maia's eyes widened, she shook her head.

"Damn it, did she say something?"

"No, she just said sorry she should've done that and then walked away"


"That's it i don't know more" Y/N spoke, she didn't want to cry.

"Are you okay?" Maia asked, Y/N's eyes started watering.

"No, Maia, i'm not, i feel sad and disappointed, you don't know how much i wanted to kiss her and then she regretted it, i feel horrible" Y/N cried, Maia hugged her rubbing her back.

"I'm sorry baby, don't be like this, she's overwhelmed, talk to her i'm sure she will explain" Maia said, Y/N nodded.

"I will try calling her" Y/N said, Maia nodded.

"I'll go, if you need anything you know what to do" Maia kisses her forehead. "I love you"

"I love you, Thanks"

After Maia walked out her house, Y/N tried to call Alycia but she wasn't picking up.


Alycia was on an hotel room, she didnt want to go home last night, she walked right away to the bar and got drunk, she knows she overreacted, she is just overwhelmed about what happened last night, she didn't mean to kiss her, in a way yes but not like that, she wanted to tell her first what she was feeling but she ruined it.
She felt her phone ringing and saw Y/N's ID caller, she sighed. She cut the call and then another call was entering. It was Maia. She bit her lip and picked up.


"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU???" Maia yelled on the other line, Alycia sighed.

"On a hotel room?" She said, Maia groaned.

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