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Your pov

"That's not the point, we were just talking, she is my best friend since birth for god sakes!" i yelled at her face.

"you were basically eye fucking her!!!" she yelled back.

"of course i dont i love you damn it, why don't you get it alycia!" i grabbed my head just to keep myself calm.

"you know what? fuck her" she said and leave the house shutting the door.

"great, god dammit" i whispered to myself.

After a while of all my time i tried to call her but she didn't answer, i started to cry because i feel so angry at her, how can she doubt me, just because she was fucking jealous of annie, who is just my best friend.


"no way y/n, i know he doesn't like me" she said too shy.

"i know he does, i mean who doesn't your hot girl" i said and she laughed.

"stop up im gonna believe you"

"that's the plan, you know i dont say it because you are my best friend is because it's true, you are beautiful, kind, amazing and damn hot" i said and she blushed.

"you serious?" i nodded. "thank you for always make me feel better.

"y/n? what the hell are you doing?" alycia said.

"just talking with my best friend" i simply said.

"sure, flirting" she spat.

"what?" she grabbed my arm and getting me out.

end of flashback.

I was just being a good friend wtf.
I listened the door and i removed my tears from my face.

"baby?" she said softly.

"i am here" i said.

"honey i am so sorry okay? i know i overreacted everything and it was about nothing because i know she's your friend" she said and i smiled.

"it's okay but please don't do that again i am yours" i said and she cupped my face leaning to kiss me.

"i love you and i just want you to me, i love you and i know i am sometimes so jealous of people, it's because i am afraid of losing you" she said and i kissed her softly and with passion at once.

"i love you too and only you" i whispered and she smiled.


it's short i know i am thinking on good ones 🙄 do y'all want some smut?? or nah? comment:)

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