american horror story

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Y/N's pov.

I was on my vacations with my best friends in the whole world, i love to spend time with them, we have so much fun.
This year we decided to go to a house in the woods, actually is from alycia's family.

"well we are here! i am so excited for this vacations" Nia said clapping.

"yeah me too" i said. "what are we gonna do?"

"what about we go to the woods and have fun!" Jenna said looking into alycia's eyes.

"uh- i rather to not" she said. I know she is scared, she doesn't like this kind of things to be honest.

The thing is Alycia is my best friend but since a year ago i started to have feelings for her, Nia told me i have to tell her but i honestly doesn't have the courage, i dont even know if she will feel the same.

"yeah lets gonna do that, cmon alycia don't be a pussy" Nia said and jenna laughed.

"o-okay f-fine" she stuttered, she is scared and i can feel she just wanted to cry i think is kinda cute and funny.

"don't be scared cutie i'll be there for you" i said and she hugged me hidding her face in my neck, Nia smirked and i just rolled my eyes.

We were walking into the woods with out flashlights, it was so dark, alycia was right behind me and Nia on the front, jenna was next to Nia.

"y/n please don't leave me alone i am so scared" alycia whispered in my ear, i felt chills in all my body feeling her warm breathing in my ear is just magical.

"don't worry i wont" i smiled at her and she took my hand. I felt butterflies.

After a few minutes we started to listen like someone walks in and my heart beat started to increase, i was feeling scared, alycia squeezed my hand and i just put her closer, Nia was still walking between all those trees and shit.

"Nia, we should go back" i said but she ignored me. "Alycia and I will come back to the house"

"thank you" Alycia whispered and i just smiled.

"whatever makes you happy, jenna and i will continue, pussies" they laughed.

I took alycia's hand and starting to walk back the house. After a while i cant see the house yet and i realized we got lost.

"y/n are you sure is for this way?" she asked me.

"no" i whispered.

"damn it, what now?" she said clearing her throat.

"i dont know, uh, lets gonna walk for this way" i said but while i was walking my flashlight turn off.

"shit, are you kidding me? tell me is a joke" alycia shivered.

"no, it went off i don't know" i said getting nervous.

We listened something in the woods, a really weird noise and alycia literally jump into me wrapping her legs in my waits and hugging me. It wasn't a moment but i still enjoyed.

"are you okay?" i asked and she just nodded.

"i'm scared, y/n you know i hate this" she was saying and we listened another noise, she shivered in my arms and i just hugged her.

"i know, i'm sorry i shouldn't let you came" i said and she just hide her face into me.

After a minutes she went off of me and we started to walk again, i could see her bitting her lip and i knew she's nervous.

"are you sure you okay? we gonna go back soon i promise i just- now i cant find the way but we will and nothing will h-" i was cut by a pair of lips kissing me desperately and then she jumped into my body and i took her with my hand in her thighs.

"i- i'm sorry i wanted to do that for long time and you just don't shut up" she said, i cant see her so good but i know she's totally red.

"you wanted that?" she nodded. "i like you, so much since a year and wow i dont knew you..."

"i like you too, wow" she giggled and hugged me.

"this is amazing, the most beautiful girl and the girl i like the most likes me back" i said and she kissed me again, not rough just slowly and full of love.

"i do, you do, this is perfect" she smiled.

"this american horror story just turn into a beautiful love story" we laughed and kissed a few times more, since we found the way to the house, we cuddle up in alycia's room till we both fall asleep.

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