Nothing but lies - Part 2

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Its been three weeks since Alycia left, she didn't care that she broke my heart, i just heard she is on her mom's house, i have been destroyed because i love her with my whole damn heart, i wanted to marry her i thought she loved me too but that was stupid, she won't love me ever.
I was looking on the closet for my pills because i'm having a hard headache, i grabbed a box hoping it has the pills, i found a paper, weird. I opened the paper and it was a contract? Oh god.

                          Contract PR

.Miss Alycia Debnam Carey and Elizabeth Brooks.

• According to fake-date for six months.

• No one can know this is a PR

• Dates two times per week.

• Promoting both shows, including future projects.

• Posting more than two message on social media to make this believable.

• No other relationships between.

With the rules established  before we hope you make your part of the paper, we hope it gets you more fame and also for the miss.
You can't tell her either, play along, it'll be easy for your flirtatious person. We gonna sign the contract on monday.

                — atte your manager, Louisa Clark.

I realized it wasn't exactly a contract it was just like a letter to she to sign one. Oh god it was PR? she never cheated? but still never told me of this! She still lied. God what did i do?
I felt my tears rolling down, i swiped them and left the box where i found it, i walked to the kitchen and heard the door bell ringing.
It must be Alex, i called her to make me some company awhile ago, so she finally arrived.

"What take you so-" I stopped myself when i saw it wasn't Alex. "Alycia.... what are you doing here?" I asked, she looked like a mess, her eyes puffy and red, her hair was a mess too, i bet she didn't even shower god.

"I- you where waiting for someone else?"

"Uh... no just Alex, you know her my best friend since kinder garden, anyways, uh... would you like to come in?" I asked and she nodded.

"Thank you..." She said and walked inside. She looked around and started to cry, she fell on the couch.

"Hey, dont cry please... what about you take a shower and then we will talk, is that okay?" She nodded and walked upstairs.

I walked to the kitchen to make some food, i decided to make pancakes, i was almost finishing when i heard someone airing on the table.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm... better, i think i really needed that shower, thank you Y/N" She smiled a bit and i gave her some pancakes.

"Here eat this okay?" She nodded and ate the pancakes with the most beautiful anr big smile on her face, i missed her, i missed admiring her beautiful face and eyes, she is the most gorgeous girl i've ever meet and i love her with all my heart.

"Did your mom tell you staring is impolite?" I frowned as she was smirking.

"S-sorry i didn't realize i was staring that much..." I said drinking from my glass of juice.

"Like the old times, i love when you look at me that way, like you love me like i'm everything to you" She said and teared up, i sighed and bit my lip.

"Tell me the truth Alycia, please?" I spoke and she nodded.

"I never cheat on you, well literally no, i know what you heard, i'm sorry i should've told you before but i couldn't, Lou, my manager made me date a girl for fame, it was just PR and we sign a contract, i literally cheated because she didn't know it was fake and so did you, i had to make it real and she thought i loved her but i never ever stopped loving you, i'm in love with you and it's only you in my life, i'm so sorry i hid it from you, i love you y/n with all my heart. That day i came to Lou's office and told her i can't do this anymore, that i have a beautiful girlfriend and i won't ruin my love life because of fame, so she expelled me from her label, but don't worry i got a new one, it was easy, so i'm so much better now and i told this girl everything was fake, she hit me and shit but i'm here with the person i love the most" She finished and i felt tears rolling down my face, she was crying too.

"I can't believe you lied to me this way Alycia, i love you and you betrayed me, you should've told me before so i wouldn't think you didn't love me anymore, i was destroyed don't you care?"

"Baby of course i care, i fucking love you, i'm so sorry i can make it up to you, i promise, no, i swear i will never ever lie to you again, i'll tell you everything, always as i did but they made me do this, i didn't want to do that, i'm sorry baby i love you" She said cupping my cheeks.

"Okay, i will trust you one more time because you don't know how much i missed you, i love you so much" I mumbled and she smiled, she kissed me slowly and soft, i felt her beautiful and soft lips again, oh god i've missed her lips like crazy. I kissed her back and she hit my bottom lip with her tongue asking for permission, i denied it and kept kissing her, she hold me by my thighs putting me on the table and squeezing my ass, i moaned at the act and she took advantage of that to introduce her tongue in my mouth, i moaned again as i felt her hand palming my center, she rubbed my clit for over the underwear, she kissed me down to my neck as i tangled my hands in her hair.

"A-alycia stop, w-wait w-we can't, n-no now" I stuttered because i was so fucking turned on and moaning at her touch.

"Why?" She asked kissing me one more

"Because i called Alex and she will come every minute i don't want she to see me fucking on the table" I said and she sighed.

"But... i miss you, i wanna show you how much i love you baby" I rolled my eyes.

"Horny bitch then wait, we can do it later i promise" I cupped her cheeks and kissed her.

"I love you so much"

"I love you too always".

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