I wish - Alycia part 2

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The days flew, now the weekend was finally here, Alycia and I got really closer in these few days, she is so kind and beautiful, well i already knew that but it's just having her just for my own gave me the most beautiful moments of my life.

"Okay um, i like that place, stay there and don't move" She spoke, i frowned at her in confusion.


"Yeah... Y/N stay there, you'll be the one in the picture" She said, my eyes widened.

"No no no way, Alycia, i'm ugly, i wont fit here at all" I said, she rolled her eyes.

"Shut up before i slap you, now stay there you look perfect" She said almost in a whisper, i feel shivers in all my body. I gulped and sighed.

"Fine" She smiled satisfied and took many pictures. After that we went to a development center to have the photos, they said they'll have it on Saturday.

"Okay then see you on saturday, i'll pick them up and go to your place, text me the address beautiful" She said and kissed my cheek, she gave me a piece of paper and walked away.

I shook my head as i heard a knock on my door. "Come in"

"Honey, lunch is ready, what time is your friend coming?" My mom asked me, i bit my inner lip and shrugged.

"Don't know, um maybe five" She nodded.

I walked to the dinning room, my mom was eating already with my sister, i sat and started eating my food. The lunch was normal, we talked about each other's week and then my mom went to do the dishes, i was about to go to my room and heard the door bell ringing.

"I'll get it!" Sarah, my sister yelled and opened the door. "Uh hello? you are Y/N's girlfriend?" She said and i pushed her.

"Go away insect!" I said and she groaned. "I'm sorry for that Alycia, she is annoying" I apologize and she giggled.

"It's okay, so would you let me in?"

"Shit, yes i'm sorry, come in" I said, my sister smirked. "We will be in my room if y'all need something" I said and my mom nodded.

"Nice to meet you Alycia, i'm Anne" Alycia shook her head and smiled.

"Alycia, but you already knew that... nice to meet you" She said and we walked to my room.

I sighed. "Your mom is cute" She said, i rose a brow.


"I don't know she looked cute, i know now where it came from" She said, i was confused and for a weird reason my cheeks burned.

"Alright, um... did you get the pictures?" I asked, she smiled and nodded.

"Yes, they are beautiful honestly the best i have ever taken" She said and opened her bag, i could see a book. No way.

"What are you reading?"

"Uh?" She asked confused.

"The book" I asked.

"Oh... it's... black ice..." Her cheek now turned red.

I sighed and bit my lip. "Do you... like it so far?"

"Yes, it's good, i mean if the book called your attention it might be good and it is, you have such a good taste in literature" She bit her lip, she suddenly was so close to me, my hands were now sweating, i felt nervous and just walk to my mirror.

"Um yeah, i think so, shall we start?" I looked at her for the mirror and she looked a bit disappointed.

"Yes, we shall" She replied and sat in my bed.

We spend almost two hours doing the project, using the pictures to create a collage that we could sell for a magazine, she was very creative and i liked that the most about her, suddenly she was speaking and i just was in front of her admiring her beauty.

"Y/N?" She asked, i shook my head.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Are you listening?"

"Yes, i- i mean sorry i got lost, what were you saying?" I said.

"I said that i think it's okay in this way, i liked the theme" I nodded, her green eyes were looking at me, intimidating me but i feel totally mesmerized by them, i sighed.

"Yes, it's... beautiful"

"You are beautiful" She said, our faces were now closer than before, she swallow. "Y/N... would you believe me if i tell you what i wished for on my last birthday?"

"It depends on what is it" I said, our breathes were now irregular and the tension was so strong.

"I wished for..." She looked at my lips, i licked my lip and bit it.

"You wished for what?" I retored. She murmured a fuck it and cupped my face with her hands pressing her lips to mines, i closed my eyes and immediately kissed her back, she smiled in between the kiss, our lips moved in sync until the oxygen became an issue. She pulled away and i slowly opened my eyes.

"I wished for that" She said, my cheeks were now more red than a tomato.

I had no words to speak and she stared at me worried.

"Say something please" She said, i shook my head.

"Sorry i- i don't know"

"Oh god, i'm sorry, did i? did i make you uncomfortable? i'm so sorry Y/N! i thought you-" She started rambling and i just kissed her again, she was caught by surprise but instantly kissed back too.

I pulled away and smiled. "Don't say sorry, i wasn't uncomfortable at all" I said. "It's just... what about?"

"No, i broke up with him that same day we were taking pictures, i knew he wasn't the right, i was with him because you seem to not paying attention to me at all... i feel like i was wasting my time trying to talk to you and get your attention" She explained, now everything makes sense, she always tried to talk to me and i was the one who never let her.

"I'm sorry, i never meant to you to feel like i didn't care, it was the opposite, i care too much, it was awful to see you with him everyday" I said, my chest ached.

"No no no, i never felt something for him, i told him i loved someone else before we started dating, he said it was okay he was going to help me but then that day i told him i cant, because the feeling is more than stronger, more than i can control and i couldn't love him when i love you"

"Yes i feel the same i couldn't lo-" I paused myself. "Wait what? you what?"

"I know we never talked before, i know it, but i admired you everyday, walking around with your books, reading like there was nothing else around you, wishing like you were there, living a romance like the characters in the book, i fell in love with you just by admiring you, just by knowing you from far away, it's possible because you never left my mind and i just wished every second for having you, i always wished for get your attention" My heart beat increased i couldn't believe she fell in love with me? is that even possible?

"You... i never thought you would notice me"

"I did babe, everyday, i always just wish you were mine"

"Then i think your wish was always real, we just were too oblivious to make them a wish come true, because i always wish i was him, i always wish to be the one holding you and-"

"It doesn't matter now because it always was you" She said and pecked my lips again, i felt my heart warm, it was happy and jumping around because the girl i fell in love with was wishing for me as i was wishing for her.


wattpad deleted my drafts for the new story i'm crying because i hace writers block now😭 gotta post it soon sorry

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