Pause - Alycia

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You felt like everything around you was falling apart, like there was nothing to be saved, you were wrong though, these feelings were just part of the process, hard times, but you wouldn't show, not even at work, not even at red carpets, not even in the street,  just in the four walls of your apartment.
Let's start from the top, you have been in a relationship with Alycia for as long as you can remember, everything with her was always perfect, you both were the perfect couple, nothing seemed bad at all.... after 6 years of relationship some things started to break, slowly. Trust, love, feelings.
You both barely could agree about something, which was super rare, you usually always agree with her or she agrees with you, but lately everything has been kinda different.

"Can we talk?" Alycia called you out from your zoning out, you snapped back to the earth and looked at her as she placed a plate in front of you with two eggs and bacon.

You sighed. "Yeah" you mumbled softly.

"Y/N, what's happening? i don't like this, we... i don't like what we had now" Your heart rate increased, you really thought the worst right now, with those words leaving her mouth.

"What do you mean?" Your voice shakily.

"I mean, we both have been really busy lately, we barely see each other, we just come home and sleep and sometimes we never get to have breakfast together like today... you're also always with Victoria—"

"Wait what? what does she have to do with all of this?" You looked at her, she sighed.

"Nothing, just since you started working with her is different for me" She bit her lip, you realized then, she was also jealous about the whole situation. Is true, Victoria is your co-star on a new netflix show and the filming has been exhausting, you have been there almost 2 days in a row since netflix shows are kinda rushed. Alycia has been feeling unsure about your feelings, you never felt that way with her co-stars because she never exactly spent much time with them without you and for a second you thought it wasn't fair for her, you spending so much time with Victoria, even after filming, she would invite you a coffee and you would say yes because who are you lying to? she's gorgeous and nice, but you wouldn't be interested in her in that way, especially when you have a beautiful woman at home waiting for you, but still you never pressed pause and go back to her right away which was wrong, for you, now, felt like you were such an awful person and all of this started with you. You weren't someone to blame of course but you knew you could've done better by Alycia.

"Baby, no" You pouted as you saw her glassy eyes in front of you, also her teeth grabbing her lower lip. She sighed and looked away, you felt awful. Your heart broke at the sight of Alycia's face, she was heartbroken, you bit your lip and stood up walking to her, you placed yourself in front of her, spinning her chair so she faces you, she avoided your look, you lifted her chin and she let a tear fall from her eye, she let it out a shaky breathe.

"Why?" She asked with shaky voice.

"Why what babe?" You caressed her cheek. She swallowed.

"I get it, she's gorgeous, she buys you flowers too, i have seen them Y/N, don't even try to hide it anymore, but why? i thought you loved me enough to not drop me for another hollywood bitch" You feel awful for chuckling at her words. You felt awful for making her cry, but her actual reaction was a bit funny, but seeing her jealous for reasons you caused, accidentally, hurt you, you never intended to that to look like what she was imagining, but you know better than anyone that a woman's mind can go wild.

"No, Alycia, you got the wrong idea baby, why would you think i stopped loving you?" She shrugged.

"Late nights, those flowers on the table, your messages on your phone" She sighed.

"Hey, no, look at me, since she brought that flower i told her i'm not interest in anything else than her friendship, you know? of course she's gorgeous but she doesn't compare to you, you're drop beautiful, the most gorgeous creature i got to admire ever in my life" You said, Alycia looked up to your eyes.

"You don't like her?" You chuckled.

"Of course i don't, i like you, i love you Alycia, not her, she's just my co-star and friend, just a friend" Alycia sighed.

"Then why she said she missed your kisses the other day?" She spoke, your heart raced, you hated that she texted you that in a drunk moment.

You sighed. "She was drunk at a party with Amelia, they were talking about who the best kissers were on the set, they brought up me, i'm sorry for that. So then when she was drunk she was kinda thinking of that but she apologized and felt super embarrassed she actually sent me that and bothered me. I forgive her and as always told her that cant happen because i have a lovely woman on my own and i'm not seeking anybody" You smiled, Alycia seemed to understand but still felt that pitch of jealousy she gets to kiss you too.

"I'm jealous" Alycia mumbled. You smiled and pecked her nose.

"I know love, i'm sorry to give you reasons, even when i wouldn't have wanted to, i love you" You said.

"I love you, i miss you, we both being busy shooting stresses me out, i miss when you were on set with me everyday, just.... with me and we could cuddle on my trailer or have sex on my trailer and everything was risky because they would find out and yell at me" You laughed.

You sighed then. "Let's do something, i have a few weeks off since first season is finished, almost, and i can go with you to set and you just remind me of those kinky moments of yours, what do you say?" Alycia's eye sparkle, she for the first time in the whole morning showed you a smile, she nodded and licked her lips.

"That sounds perfect, now you have two hours to get ready and you better wear something sexy i can rip off later" You laughed.

"Kinky bastard" You rolled your eyes but felt better than when you woke up and better than the whole month, you both being actresses might be hard, especially for the time you both spent far from each other, but you know that the love you feel for her is real and unique so you would do anything for her even if that means press pause to your career to support hers and Alycia totally feels the same way, she would pause in one second to be right next to you on set everyday, if that means she would have Victoria as far away from you as possible because she thinks she's her competition. In reality there's no competition, Alycia is the winner not even doing anything. She won the way to your heart and she always will own your heart.

She appeared from the edge of the door of your room. "And just so you know next time you're filming i'm coming and i'll kiss you soooo passionate in front of her so she knows you're mine" You laughed and bit your lip. She can be such a child sometimes.

fluff and jealous alycia is my favorite 🥺

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