Say yes to the date - Alycia

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Another annoying day at college, honestly don't even know why the hell do i have to study? i'm honestly done with my classes and i can't cope with my classmates specially one.
No don't get me wrong, she's annoying but she's kind of cute, like i enjoy it but ugh it's so complicated.
I'm not that typical popular girl who thinks she can't talk with the weird kids, not at all, i'm not popular and definitely not the one who won't talk to people just because they are not popular. I'm just lonely.
I just have 3 friends, Maia, Georgia and Val, honestly don't need anybody else, because people will always try to be nice for a little and then throw their shit in your face, or your back.

Boyfriends? Just one, Ryan, three years ago, it ended because he cheated on me with one of the popular girls. Anyways.

Girlfriends? no yet, i swear sometimes i'm desperately looking for love but in the second i get attention it starts being annoying. Anyway too.

I woke up today feeling awful, as usual, I just feel like staying home watching netflix, all of the girls at my age are on parties enjoying themselves and well, kissing boys or girls but i just don't do that, or even going on dates, ugh please. So cliché.

I heard a knock on my door, I groaned. "Riseeee and shineeee" My best friend Maia came in and gave a box with donuts.

"Thanks" I replied, she rose her eyebrows.

"Girl, you aren't even dressed, what's going on? we have maths" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't feel like going through all the X and Y today" I sighed falling in my bed.

"Oh no, i refuse to find X and Y by myself, get your ass up Alycia, you're not staying" I groaned.

"Fine!" I said and got in the shower, after like ten minutes i started finally getting ready, did a simply make up and brushed my teeth, i sighed and finally walked out of the bathroom.

"That's more i like it, now let's go, i prepare your bag, grab it" Maia said walking through the door.

"Thank you" i rolled my eyes and walked out closing the door behind me.


Everyone on the classroom was screaming, talking, dancing, doing videos, i put my headphones on and started to draw, I looked up to see a girl, a special girl entering the room, I sighed. She's super cute, she's beautiful but really annoying.

"Your crush entering the room at 3" Val said removing my headphones.

"She's not my crush! jesus" I said grabbing my headphones.


"Hi Alycia" I heard her voice, I turned around in my chair and smiled, trying to be nice.

"Hi, Y/N, how are you?" She smiled.

"Good, maybe today's the day!" She said and gave a piece of paper, she walked away and i sighed.

"What does it say?" Georgia asked.

I rolled my eyes. I stayed silent and the class started.
I opened the piece of paper in the middle of the class and read it.

"Hi i know i've been doing this for the past three weeks, sorry for annoying you, but would you go on a date with me? pleaseeee:)"

— Y/N

I sighed and decide to write on the piece of paper, i folded the paper again and when the class finished i walked by her desk, i placed the paper on the notebook and she grabbed it.

Not today.


I was on history and we were doing a big ass essay about the world war II, i hated history. I was so focused on my essay that didn't notice a piece of paper in my desk, i sighed and grabbed it.

"Hi! it's me again, sorry for bothering you, i realize you like flowers but i was too shy to give you some a few days ago, but i bought a jasmine today and i knew you would love it:)), i'm not gonna annoy you today but just going to give you a flower because it's beautiful as you are"

— Y/N

I tried to hide my smile when i turned to the corner of my desk and saw a jasmine, they were my favorite flowers, i bit my lip and wrote on the paper.

Maybe someday.


Math again! jesus christ, it never ends. I was trying to focus on my homework right now when i felt someone giving me a piece of paper, i frowned and grabbed it.

I opened it.

"Hi! it's me :) i'm glad you liked the flower the other day! Your smile was beautiful, it's so good to see you smiling, you should do more often, because you light up my world:)) today i'm not asking anything, i just brought another jasmine and a cup of coffee for you, i know you are feeling tired lately so it might cheer you up (because of the caffeine lolz) Well you look cute today on that dress :))

— Y/N

I couldn't help but chuckle at her words, she's really a pain in the ass, but honestly a cute one.


Let's say biology it's not my thing. Y/N didn't come to classes today, or the day before, she hasn't been here for like three days, i frowned.

"What's wrong?" I heard Val asking from behind.

"Nothing" I shook my head. I looked in Y/N's desk direction it really feels empty.

"Missing someone?" Georgia said.

"No" I replied.

Maybe tomorrow.


History again, last day to finish our essay, so i was working extra hard. I saw a piece of paper on my desk, i smiled.

"Open it" I felt Maia murmuring. I giggled.

I opened it and read it.

"Hi! it's me again:) sorry that i didn't come to light up your days, someone told me you weren't feeling happy, why? you need to smile!!! i would buy you a whole garden of jasmines just to see you happy :)))) and i would wake you up in the morning with the most expensive coffee! also i think a puppy will make you happy that's why... okay no i didn't get you a puppy but! i draw you one on the end of the paper :))) i suck are drawing pls don't hate me:(

and... would you like to go on a date with me:))) plz say yes:("

— Y/N

I smiled, i felt a weird sensation on my stomach, like thousand of bugs flying around. Oh dear god.

I replied on the paper.

When the class finished, everyone grabbed their things, Maia, Val and Georgia left the classroom, i waited for everyone to left, i knew she would leave after everyone has left the classroom, because she doesn't like to feel trapped in between the people.

She was grabbing her things, putting them on her bag, i walked to her desk and placed the piece of paper in front of her.

She looked up at me and blushed. God she's so adorable. she's so fucking annoying! annoying to be so fucking adorable and beautiful at the same time.

She grabbed the paper and was unfolding it, i stopped her by grabbing her hands with my own hand, i felt electricity down my spine.

I looked at her in the eyes and bit my lip.

"Since it's friday, pick me up at 8" I finally said, her face lighted up, i swear to God the smile that i saw in that moment was the most beautiful smile i have ever seen.

Yes, i said yes to her date.


i honestly don't know what was it HAHAH but hope you like it :((((((( hello btw

i'm running out of scenarios!!!!! so if you have an idea pkease enlighten me :)))))

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