Chilhood promises, broken hearts - Part2

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"ALYCIA! gosh you're finally here! you're late by the way" Maia said greeting Alycia.

"I'm good thank you, was a good flight" She rolled her eyes.

"Come in dork, now tell me everything! you called before and you sounded shock, what happened?" Maia asked,  Alycia sighed.

"Well you remember the girl i told you before?"

"The one you were in love with?" Maia said giggling.

"No! i wasn't- anyway, i got a coffee at starbucks two streets down here and accidentally someone crashed with me and made me spill my coffee all over myself, i was distracted too so i didn't even bother on get mad, the thing is she offered help and when i said thanks i didn't mean to ask her name but i didn't know it, then she said it and i froze! it's her, it has to be her, i felt bad because i left her and i never knew anything about her" Alycia explained said and Maia sighed.

"Come on, there were promises from when you were five, that promises are stupid"

"They weren't stupid for me, i came back to her and she wasn't there" Alycia said, she was close to the tears.

"She broke the promise too, because she left and she didn't say anything"

"It's not that simple"

"She could have looked for you Alycia, she didn't" Alycia sighed, Maia prepared her a coffee and offered her some cookies.

"Anyway, i think i'll never gonna find her" Maia shrugged.

The door bell rang and Maia smiled. "What is that?"

"A friend, i invited her over, you will love her! she's beautiful" Maia winked, of course she did, she knows that side of Alycia even tho not everyone knows, everyone suspects.

Alycia stayed in the kitchen drinking her coffee when she heard the two girls laughing and talking like if they know each other for life.

"ALYCIA! i missed you! what did you do on your vacations?" The little girl asked.

"We went to this fabulous place in Paris, my parents were happy and i was too, i wanna take you there someday Y/N" Alycia said, Y/N smiled.

"I would love to go with you"

"Now tell me what did you do?"

"I- i didn't anything at all, my parents are fighting and arguing every day, my mom is always throwing shit at me and well i just wanna go out of her" Y/N said, almost crying, Alycia's heart broke, her 12 years old friend was everything to her and seeing her crying just broke her.

"I promise you i'll work and i will make my dreams come true and i'll be back to you, i'll take you with me so we will be happy forever and we will have this cute family, just you and I" Alycia said, the both girls hugged and Alycia kissed ay/N's forehead. "I promise i'll come back for you"

"Alycia?" She shook her head and looked to Maia who was standing in front of her.

"Yeah, sorry" Maia rolled her eyes.

"Alycia this is Y/N and Y/N this is Alycia my famous friend, she's such a bad actress but we love her anyway" Maia laughed, Y/N face changed, Alycia was in the same, the both girls were looking at each other like if they have seen a ghost. "Everything okay?"

"No- i- Maia i'm sorry, i have to go" Y/N said and walked to the door until Alycia spoke.

"Don't, wait, don't run from me" Alycia said, Maia was pretty confused.

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