Nothing but lies

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"Did you see what people is talking about you?" I asked her and shrugged.

"Y/N how many times i have to tell you to not believe everything you read or listen? the social media it's like this" Alycia said defending herself.

"So you say everything i read a while ago was fake?" She nodded.

"Of course it is!! how can you think i'll cheat on you, babe i love you and i'm in love with you, i dont go out there to cheat i have work to do" She said and i nodded i don't believe her because since a time ago she just lie to me.

"If you say so... i have to go to the store, i'll be back later" I said and she smiled, she pecked my lips and walked to the kitchen.

I walked through the door and closed it behind me, i moved to the window and stayed there, of course i'm not going to the store i just need to see what is she doing while i'm not here.
After like five minutes she grabbed the phone and walked to the sofa, she sat and called someone, i was there waiting for listen.

"Hi baby, yeah i'm sorry i didn't call before but she just left, yeah, i'll be there at six i think so, i'll wait for y/n to come back... no, yes, i'll tell her just give me some time she is so naive and she doesn't know a thing, yeah, i'll call you later, no i'm not, of course i love you silly she doesn't mean anything to me" Ouch, that hurt like how can she? she is cheating and telling me many lies. "Yeah love you bye" She hang off and i felt my tears falling down my face, it hurts so much, o thought she loved me but i mean nothing to her.

I walked to the door and opened it, still with tears in my face.

"Babe... what happened to you?" She asked me with her eyes widened.

"What happened? you are a fucking liar Alycia! that's happening!"

"What a-are you talking about baby?" She got nervous.

"You are cheating on me with some slut and i'm now nothing to you? you're a fucking liar! i don't want you here anymore! leave now with your bitch leave the fuck alone Alycia and don't ever come back!" I yelled and walked to the stairs but she grabbed my arm.

"NO NO BABY NO! Listen this is not what it looks like i promise no no she doesn't mean shit to me i don't give a fuck on her, i love you it's you please y/n don't leave me no no i wouldn't be the same without you" She started to cry and i just let my arm go.

"Don't fucking touch me, you're a liar and you lied right to my face but not anymore darling i was naive but i'm smarter than you think now leave this house Alycia go with the bitch that mean more than me to you" I said and walked upstairs she ran right behind me and grabbed my waist.

"No baby please let me explain, i'll leave her i don't care about her baby y/n i love you it's always been you, please don't do this to me"

"No you did this to you, don't come at me now, leave" I said and she cried, she fell in her knees begging.

"Please i'm sorry i'm fucking sorry, i love you-"

"You don't love me stop lying! you just tell me nothing but lies, stop your bullshit and leave, don't cry at me you did it wrong i treat you like a princess and you pay me this way? sorry but i know i deserve better now go away!!!" I yelled the last part and she walked downstairs, i walked to my bed as o listened the principal door closed, i grabbed my legs and cried till i fell asleep.


Oh god!! i saw fifth harmony last night and it was A MA Z I N G bitch i cant explain how wonderful it was 😭 also i hugged ally she was so sweet to me she is a sweetheart i love her even more if it's even possible

i'm so happy so i'll update a lot today 🤓
maybe new stories are coming today and soon

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