Dont let go - Alycia

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"This... i don't know- Y/N i'm sorry this isn't working anymore... we should break up"

My voice broke in the second i heard that words leave her mouth. "W-what? why? i thought we were okay? what happened? tell me i can fix it" I quickly spoke.

"No, you did nothing wrong it's just... it's me, i- i don't know anymore if we are going somewhere" My lip trembled.

"No please..." I begged, i played my with hands, my heartbeat was increasing i thought i was going to have a heart attack. "Is... is it for someone else?"

"No, please don't, it's not anybody else but my work, this is not going to because we spend too much time apart and i can't, I'm sorry" She said kissed my forehead and walked out of my apartment. She threw a two years old relationship away like nothing.

"Y/N? Y/N!" I sighed and shook my head, i didn't realize the tears were rolling down my cheek, i swiped them away and looked to my friend.

"Sorry, what?"

"You spaced out again, are you alright?" She asked worried.

"Yes... i was.. never mind, what were you saying?"

"Is it her again?" I nodded, i didn't want to cry, she sighed.

"Let her go, forget her, she isn't going to come back to Australia anymore, she's somewhere else doing a live without you, plus, it's been a year" I bit my lip to hold the tears and nodded.

"Yeah i know it's just it hurts" She stood up and hugged me, i hated her for that because now i was breaking down because of her.

"Hey don't cry it's all al-" She cut herself off, i pulled away.

"What? what's wrong?"

"Nothing! Um what about we get out of here and go to have fun at the new fair, would you like that?" She looked at me and spoke quickly.

"Why you-" I was about to turn around but she grabbed my arms.

"Don't! don't be silly let's go" Abby grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the place.

"Y/N?" I heard from behind, i looked at Abby and she rolled her eyes. I turned around and saw her, radiant, beautiful.

"A-Alycia?" I stuttered.

"Oh my god! it's so good to see you!" She pulled me into a hug, i was shocked, i just pulled away.

"Sorry, i have to go" I said and ran away before i break down in front of her.

Alycia's pov

I never thought i will be back in Australia but it's so good it's such a good feeling, i'm loving this.

I had one person in my mind the whole flight to here, it was her.


I broke up with her a year ago because my work was being hard, i felt the pressure in my back and i didn't want to hurt her by the fact i won't be able to be with her for so long, i realized then i hurt her more in this way.

I was walking with my best friend Maia today around Australia and i swear i saw her sitting in a coffee with Someone, i don't remember her maybe she's a new friend or i don't know...

I decided to talk to her because i missed her so much, i just wanted to be in her arms again.
But she didn't let me. I hugged her and she just pulled away and ran, i saw the hurt in her face and felt the most horrible human in the earth.

"So you're Alycia, it's a shame" The girl spoke.

"Excuse me?" I blinked and looked at her.

"Yeah you're not that pretty and it's a shame she wasted her time with you"

"And you are?" I asked, she was getting in my nerve.

"Her girlfriend, nice to meet you" She said. "Oh wait not very nice anyway i have to go" She added and left.

"That was intense" I heard Maia from behind, my heart raced, i felt a pressure in my chest and my stomach hurts.

"A girlfriend? I- but"

"What would you expect? you left the poor girl broken, she needed comfort and i think she found it" Maia said.

"You're not helping"

"Not trying to help but to you to realize what you let go"

"I didn't let go"

"You did let go the moment you broke up with her and you broke her poor heart, it's obvious she loved you and still even when you don't deserve it"

"Thanks Maia i appreciate it" I said and she shrugged.

"I'm your friend and i have to be honest, now let's go" She said and we walked away, i sighed.

"I don't wanna let you go"


I was listening to little mix's cover don't let go and here we are lmao just had the inspiration in a sec😂

See you around ✨

I'm on my finals!!! so that means i'll get like three weeks of vacations before my internship starts and i'm so excited to start my new books, i'm trying to add the more chapters i can so i have content to update :)

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