Faith - Alicia Clark

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Alicia's pov

I woke up and looked around, everything was clearly dark, maybe it's night or maybe it's just the place where i am.
I don't know where everyone went after Nick made the mess he did with the bombs, we haven't gone far enough and the water moved ya to god knows where.

I can't see anyone of my family here so i just stood up and started walking. My legs hurt so much but i tried to walk as much as i can.

"Hey! don't move" I heard someone saying, i turned around and saw a girl, with y/hair/color and such a beautiful eyes, she was mesmerizing in my eyes.

"I-i'm sorry" I cleared my throat. "I can't find my family and i'm lost, i don't know where i am and i need to find them, i ain't going to hurt you i promise" I said trying to sound convincing, it's not like i'm gonna kill her but still i need to sound secure of what i'm saying.

"Your family? a blonde woman? and a cute boy with short hair? uhhh how is his name...?" He said trying to describe two people she probably saw.


"NICK! that's right! he is so handsome, we found his girlfriend also and oh i think they are with this man, Victor, yes he is" I sighed in relief.

"Can you take me with them? I'm Alicia by the way"

"ALICIA!! oh my god yes, they talked about you! they are worried, come on come on i'll take you there, they live in my ranch, me and my sister Charlie, we live there with other people, good people" She smiled to me.

"Thank you so much..."

"Oh, right, Y/N" She said and started walking to the south, i walked following her right behind.


"MOM! are you okay?" I asked when i saw her, she hugged me and Nick joined us soon.

"God! my girl, you're alright, i'm so happy we find you" My mom said and grabbed my face giving me a kiss in my forehead.

"Alicia i thought the worst! i'm glad you're alive and we are together" Nick added.

"All because of that cute girl over there" I said pointing to Y/N, she was with a little girl, i guess it's her sister. I smiled as i saw her with the girl, my mom raised a brow and smiled.

"Go for her" She mumbled and walked away with Nick. I blushed and shook my head, i decided to walk to her and maybe chat a bit.

As i got closer i could overhear the conversation she was having. "No, Charlie, i told you, mom and dad wouldn't like this, i told you to stay away from them"

"They can get us out of here" The girl said, Y/N shook her head.

"Forget it! i'm not going to risk you! or anyone else here, you heard that? you can't go near them again or else i'll drag you and lock you in the truck! got it?" The girl nodded and i bit my lip, i think she's so demanding and it's so fucking hot.
I gulped as she turned around and saw me.

"Oh- umm, sorry i didn't mean to interrupt you... i just wanted to say thank you" I stuttered a bit, she's kind of intimidating so i really get nervous.

"Yeah, Alicia, you already said thank you but i'm grateful and honored for the stupid excuse you need to talk to me" She smirked and winked at me, flirting? i don't know but she then walked away.

I stood there in shock, i just saw her walking and getting even far from me, i sighed and turned around, suddenly i crashed into someone.

"God sorry, oh... Charlie, right?"

She nodded and smiled but then went dead serious. "Get away from her or you will regret it" She said and walked to the truck that was near us.

Wow, what was that?

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