The cheerleader

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Y/N Y/L/N the captain of the cheerleaders, the most popular girl in the school, she has every girl she wants but she doesn't want them, she wants just one girl, one special, the nerd one, Alycia Debnam Carey, she has this crush on her since 6th grade, she never said anything because she was afraid of rejection.
She must be the most popular one but she is full of insecurities, she is afraid of being a failure, a mistake to the world and even when everyone loves her, she feels so lonely.

"Fuck" Y/N groaned as she crashed with someone on the hallway.

"Oh my... i'm so so-sorry" The girl said as she helped Y/N to get up.

"Oh... it's okay, it was my fault i was looking at my phone" She said with confidence even when she was dying inside because her crush, the most perfect girl her eyes have ever seen was right in front of her.

"No it was my fault, i'm so stupid" Alycia said shyly.

"No, Alycia it's okay, believe me, you don't have to excuse you i know it was my fault"

"Oh you know my name, oh god" She said blushing a little bit and bitting her lip.

"Yeah, why wouldn't i?" Y/N asked to the green eyes.

"Well you are the most popular and beautiful girl on the school and i'm just me, a nerd who loves being on the library all day" Alycia said looking at the floor.

"You are beautiful as well Alycia, you're not invisible, at least not for me" Y/N said and gave the girl a warm smile while she walked away, she was now late for the practice and she needs to hurry her ass up.

As Y/N runs for the hallway all the eyes around were in her, everyone whispering how perfect and beautiful she is, everyone thinks she is a goddess, but she doesn't feel that way, she is not the popular bitch, she is popular but she loves to talk to everyone and be friendly with people.
The reason? the first year of school the most popular girl bullied her, she was stuck in the dolls house because of that bitch and then one day she was able to fuck her up, she pushed her to the hallway and told her how bitchy she was. Everyone on the hallway clapped and hugged Y/N because she was the only one able to stop Sarah and her bitchy existence.

"Y/N you're late damn, we were waiting for you" Kylie, one of the most bitchy cheerleaders said.

"I'm the captain you need to shut up" Y/N said and she just sat down on the grass.

"Y/N the nationals are close we need to finish the routine and win to that sharks" Dinah said as Normani nodded. Y/N stayed there thinking about what moves she can add to the rutine to win to the sharks.

"I know Dinah, well yes we gonna add more gym, so Normani and Simone, i need you both teach the rest your best gym, flips and shit, and the dance part i need everyone being so sexy, not sluts but we need to look sexy" Y/N said and they all nodded, she put the music on and then they all started to warm up the muscles.

While they were on the practice Alycia came to the bleachers to see her crush, yes Y/N is Alycia's crush, ironic isn't it? they both are falling in love with each other and they don't even realize it.
She smiles as she saw Y/N dancing and teaching the others cheerleaders the dance.
Alycia thinks Y/N is the most beautiful girl on the planet and she is always amazed about her beauty and charism. Y/N is not like the other popular bitches, Alycia thought.
She keep watching her, her eyes were on all her body, but then she blushed hard when Y/N noticed her presence and waved at her, Alycia bit her lip and waved back.

After thirty minutes of practice they all went to the bathroom for a water break and Y/N walked to the bleachers to see Alycia.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Y/N asked.

"Uh... well i was uh... bored on the library so i decided to come here and watch your practice, your team is pretty good" She said bitting her lip.

"Oh... so i'm entertaining you" Y/N smirked and Alycia blushed.

"Oh my god no like that" She said quickly.

"It's okay, i'm glad you enjoy watching my ass all the time" Y/N said giggling and Alycia blushed even more.

"Stop it Y/N" Alycia hit her arm and then they both laughed, Y/N looked at Alycia's eyes and got lost, she was thinking on how can someone can be that beautiful and perfect without even try, Y/N thinks Alycia's existence is perfection.

Alycia sighed and looked at Y/N's lips, Y/N did the same and then they both looked in the eyes again, Y/N leaned in to kiss her, she wants to kiss her so badly, her heart was beating really fast, she was losing control, she just wants to feel her perfect pink lips.
Alycia leaned in too, they were almost kissing, Alycia felt Y/N's breathe hitting on her lips and her heart beat increased, the adrenaline was in all her body.

"Y/N, stop fucking your girlfriend and let's practice we have three weeks to go!!" Camila, one of her best friends yelled and they pulled away without even meet.

Y/N sighed and Alycia blushed, they were in such an awkward silence until Y/N broke it.

"Friday, i'll pick you up at 8 pm and we will go on a date" She said smiling and Alycia looked at her confused.

"Why would you like to take me on a date?" She asked.

"Because i like you" Y/N said and Alycia stayed there in shook.

"Oh... i... i thought it was impossible" She said.


"You are the most popular girl, the cheerleader captain and i'm just a nerd" Alycia said looking away.

"Hey, no" Y/N said and lifted her chin up. "You are you and that makes you super special to me" She smiled and pecked her lips without any warning.


"Friday Alycia, don't forget it" Y/N said and went back to her team.

Alycia was shocked after she felt for a second Y/N lips on hers, she touched them and smiled like a stupid, she likes her, she is in love with her and now she is feeling all those butterflies and fireworks on her tummy, she is happy and can't wait for friday.

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