Be mine - Lexa

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Requested by @Twag53
Hope you like it and enjoy it:)

Lexa's pov.

"Heda! Heda! our people, the ones of the coalition force protecting Arkadia, they are dead!" Titus entered the room.

"What? the three hundred? How! we had a agreement! but skaikru will pay!" I said, i was mad, Clarke disobey our agreement, we should help each other no kill each other.

My people were send there to protect Arkadia from the ice nation and now she killed three hundred of my people, but no, Clarke will pay, this won't be like this, this is the war Clarke and i hope you and your people are ready to fight Trikru.

My troop and I leaded the way to Arkadia, when we arrived i saw the three hundred of my people dead, but there's just one alive. Indra.

"Indra? Indra what happened?" I said and i got on my knees next to her.

"Heda... it's a message... from skaikru... they said... they are not- not longer in peace with trikru" She said and i nodded.

"Guys here, help Indra, i'll talk to Clarke" I said and walked to the door of Arkadia.

"Open it!" I screamed and Octavia came.

"What are you doing here Lexa, you shouldn't be here" She tell them to open the door and i walked in.

"Shut up i wanna talk to Clarke, Clarke where are you!" I yelled and everyone looked at me, i don't care.

"Lexa? what are you doing here?" She said she walked to me followed by a girl i never saw before but she was so beautiful god dammit not now Lexa!

"You killed my people! where is the agreement we had, this is the last time we talk in peace, tomorrow we will see us at war!" I yelled and Clarke shook her head.

"You don't understand it, it wasn't us, it was Pike and Bellamy, he won last night the election and he decided to kill the coalition force who was protecting us to send you a damn message, we tried to stop him but he didn't listen to my mom or keane" She said and i sighed.

"Who is she?" I asked looking at her, she blushed and bit her lip.

"I'm Y/N, nice to me meet you Heda" She said and i relaxed, her words and voice were so soft and she calling me like that sent chills all over my body.

"Call me Lexa, Clarke i see you in three hours in my place, we will talk about what's gonna happen next" I said and winked at Y/N, she bit her lip again God i wanted to take her right here and right now. No! focus!

"Okay, i'll be there"

"With her, its important Clarke" I said and she frowned.

"Why? Y/N is not part of this" Clarke said and i laughed.

"She will be, a perfect part of this" I said and turned around leaving.


"Heda, Clarke from skaikru is here" Titus informed me and i nodded.

"Take her here titus" I said and then Clarke with Y/N appeared.

"Here we are, now what's the plan?" Clarke said and i smiled.

"Well lets make this easy for you and your people Clarke, you gave me this beautiful woman for me and just me and i'll forgive you and no starting a war with skaikru, how does that sound?" I said and Clarke looked at me like i was crazy.

"Did you hit your head this morning or what?" She said and i rolled my eyes once again.

"You didn't listen clarke, it's clear for you to understand it, if i can have her i'll tell my people to forget about the stupid war with skaikru and forgive you and your people for kill three hundred of my people" I said smiling at Y/N, she bit her lip and gosh i swear i wanted to kiss her in that moment.

"I can't do that lexa, she is my people!"

"What about this, she stays with me today and for the weekend and then she can decides, i'm sure she will do the right decision for her people" I smiled and clarke rolled her eyes this time, god this woman is annoying.

"I'll do it Clarke" Y/N spoken and i smiled, she smiled in my direction and i walked towards her.

"Good decision, you will no regret it"


"Really? so Clarke is more obstinate than i thought" Y/N said giggling as i told her some stories about Clarke and i.

"Yeah well she has her own ideas and she is always worrying about her people, that's Clarke" She bit her lip and i felt this desire inside of me, i didn't feel this since Costia, maybe this is a sign, i'm falling in love.

"Yeah i love how she worries about us, but you too, you love your people and care about them and protect them too, i see it too Lexa" She said and i smiled.

"Yeah, as a commander it's my duty to protect my people, you can be my people and i'll never let anything happen to you" I said and she looked at me in the eyes, her eyes were so beautiful, full of peace and innocence, she looked at my lips and then my eyes, i looked at her lips and she was bitting it.

"I don't know, Clarke saved me once and she gave me a home in Arkadia i cant leave her" She said and i sighed, she then looked at me and from nowhere kissed me, it was soft and slow i felt my heart beat increasing as our lips moving in sync, she pulled away and looked at me.

"What does that mean?" I asked confused by her acts.

"I don't know, i want to stay here if that means i'll save my people" She said, wow she is talking like Clarke now.

"You sounded like Clarke" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Okay quitting talking about Clarke i wanna know about you, i'm super interested" She smiled and i cupped her cheeks kissing her again, her kisses feels like paradise, i'm totally right when i said i'm falling in love and i just want her to be mine.

"Well what can i say?"


I woke up the next morning and saw my bed empty, i remember last night, we came to my tent and we slept together, now she is gone, damn now i have to start a war with skaikru and can't have her.

"Good morning" I heard her voice and smiled.

"Oh... i thought you... uh nevermind" I said and she giggled and jumped in the bed.

"You know what? i'm staying, i just need you" She kissed me but it was just a peck.

"Really? you will be mine?"

"Yes, yours and yours only" She said and i smiled.

"That's good to know, i had no brain to think about a war with your people" I said and she giggled.

"You are my people"

"Be mine?" I said and she kissed me, i felt the love and the passion she puts in it.

"Now and forever Lexa Kom Trikru"

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