Give me a chance - Alycia pt2

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"i'm going with Maia!" I heard Cierra yelling, i walked out of the room to the living room.

"Okay, use protection don't forget it, i don't want kids here yet" I joked, she rolled her eyes and just walked out of the house, i laughed to myself and walked in the kitchen.
I have to cook to myself so i decided to just make some spaghetti. I have to say i'm pretty good at cooking and more doing spaghetti.

I was preparing the sauce when i heard the door bell ringing, i groaned and walked to open the door.

"Al- Alycia" I breathed out, she is already here and i haven't got dressed!

"Hi, nice pajamas" She said, my cheeks turned red i was so embarrassed.

"Oh my god i'm- i'm so sorry i didn't know you were coming this early"

"It's almost 2 pm babe" She said and walked in, i sighed and closed the door.

"Um... i will get ready, wait here" I said and she nodded. Jesus christ i cant believe the girl i have a crush on with us here and just saw me in my pajamas.

I ran away to my room as i left her in the living room, i took a quick shower and got dressed, i haven't even realized on the time, i can't believe she saw me in my pajamas at 2 pm, that's embarrassing.
I fix my hair a little bit and my make up, i walked out of my room and she was looking at the pictures in the wall.

"I'm back, i'm sorry if i took so long" I said, she smiled and shook her head.

"No, it's okay, you haven't, shall we start?" I nodded, i was going to walk to my room but she was focused on the pictures.

"That's me and my sister, we— we don't talk anymore because she lives in London and i moved her to LA, we never had a good communication but when we were little we were so close, we always did everything together until..." I sighed. "My boyfriend cheated on me with her... i never could look at her in the same way without seeing her on the bed with him" I said, her eyes widened.

"That's... oh god i'm sorry, that's fucked up, i'm so sorry i should've—"

"It's okay, i didn't like boys that much" I said hitting my lip, she chuckled.

"You were adorable" She blushed. "I mean, you still are is just— little you is—" She was rambling and it was cute.

"I got it, don't worry" I said, she chewed her lip nervously.

"Well let's go" I nodded and guided her to my room, we sat in the bed and i started with the questions.

"Umm you know many countries that actually speak english have diverse grammar, and in some countries the same word has different meanings, how do you deal with that when you travel? is that a difficulty?" She frowned.

"Not too much, i mean sometimes, i agree that the different grammar in the countries sometimes make it hard to you to communicate because what's right here isn't right on the UK, for example" She explained, i wrote everything she spoke, hearing her speaking about literature was mesmerizing.

After a few questions more i didn't want to boring her so i just finished.

We walked to the kitchen and i offered her a coffee which she gladly accepted.

"Thank you for helping me" I said, she smiled.

"It was such an honor" She licked her lips, it was almost erotic, i didn't want to stare but i just got lost in ever movement she did. "Do i have something?" She suddenly asked.

"What?" I asked, i spaced out staring at her holy shit no.

"You were staring" I blushed harshly.

"Uh— i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to be rude" I said, i never felt this way near to a girl, she can be very intimating.

"I thought i had something" She chuckled. No your eyes are just precious and your lips are so desirable.

"Thank you" I shut my eyes.

"I— oh my god did i say that out loud?" She nodded, i blushed furiously, it can't be happening. "I'm so sorry if i made you uncomfortable"

"No, you didn't, i really think your lips are desirable too" She looked at me directly in the eyes, i didn't know when i started chewing my lip, she lifted her thumb to my mouth and released it from my teeth.

My breathe hitched, we were now so close to each other. Honestly i never kissed a girl before. I was scared of fucking this up and with her, the hottest woman in this planet, my first female crush, Jesus i need to stop overthinking.
She was leaning in, i was freaking out, oh my god is she going to kiss me? holy shit, i closed my eyes and i suddenly felt her lips making contact with my cheek, very close to my lips, i felt stupid, my heart beat increased and i felt butterflies but now i just feel disappointment.

"I have to go" She said as she pulled away.

"Yeah— I will walk you to the door" I said, i sighed.

"Was nice to meet you Y/N, i hope we can meet again" She smiled walking out of the apartment.

"Yeah me too, bye" I said, she waved at me and i slowly closed the door as she walked away.

Oh my god i can't believe i thought she was going to kiss me. I'm so stupid. Like she's going to fall for me, it was just one night, oh god i'm delusional.

I swiped the tears, i was stupid for crying now, i walked to my room and after a couple of minutes i fell asleep.
I woke up hours after and i heard the door opening.

"Y/N!!!! i'm back" I heard Cierra. I stood up and walked to the living room, she was with Maia.

"So how was it?" Maia asked.

"Normal, she answered the questions we drank a coffee and she left" I said, Maia shook her head and Cierra frowned.

"Nothing else? She left?" Maia asked confused.

"Yep" I said emphasizing the p.

"Is she crazy? god i thought at least she will kiss you" Cierra said.

"Do you guys know something i don't?" I asked, they look at each other and shook their head.

"Not at all we just supposed... because last night you two were very close to my liking" Cierra spoke.

"Well i guess it's not going to happen"

"Awwhhh you like her, i told you you were in love without even knowing her"

"I think i am, i look at her and i bet my eyes shine the whole time, when i was listening to her speaking about literature i was lost in her words" I sighed. "I guess i couldn't call her attention" Maia pursed her lips.

"Don't get blue, i bet she's just overthinking and she's nervous, she never dated a girl before... well not in real life, maybe she's just shy now"

"If you say so but i don't think she will ever give me a chance" I said, they look at each other and then to me with sad looks.

That's it, they know it and they just don't want to tell me the truth.


Maybe a part 3?🙃🤔

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