Coffee shop - Alycia

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I walked down the street in direction to the set, LA looks wonderful today, it's cloudy but still it's hot outside, i decided to go to get some coffee to wake up, it's six in the morning and i really need one.

I usually don't walk to the set but today i really wanted to feel the air in my skin and not being in a car the whole way to there.

I entered the cafeteria and the bell rang, everyone looked to the door and then they kept their talks, it's very early and people are already taking coffee at these places.

I walked to the counter and waited for the girl or boy from today to come, i usually don't get coffee because i always have a starbucks in my car but today it's all different and it looks like it's going to be a good day.

"I'm sorry! i was... never mind, Hi, i'm Y/N, what can i get you this precious morning m'lady?" The girl came as fast as she can and spoke, her voice was so kind and soft.

"Hello! I want a vanilla latte, please" I said, she smiled and started typing in the machine.

"It would be... wait... uh... i'm so sorry i'm new... i— i still don't know the prices, i... excuse me" She said in embarrassment.

"Take your time sweets" I said smiling and she blushed. She shook her head and walked inside, after a few seconds she came back.

"Okay, i'm back" She giggled. "It would be three dollars and fifty cents" She said and i nodded. I picked my wallet and grabbed the money handing it to her. She took it and gave me a paper back.

"Your coffee would be ready in a minute" She smiled.

"Thanks" I said and walked to the table, i sat and checked my phone. I simply looked over the feed on instagram while i was waiting for the coffee. I don't know why but her smile and her presence just made my day better. I felt happier.

After a while she came to my table and handed me the coffee.

"Here you go" She said and i smiled.

"Thank you Y/N" I said, she blushed a bit and bite her lip.

"You're welcome, hope you enjoy it, i'm sorry if it's not the best, i'm learning" She said, i chuckled.

"I bet is the best vanilla latte i could ever get, seriously like ever" She looked away trying to hide the smile she has in her lips, she blushed furiously.

"Hope so... enjoy it" She finally said and walked away.

I finished my coffee and walked to the counter, i saw a boy in it, i frowned, i wanted to give Y/N a tip. "Do you need anything pretty?" Ew just disgusting.

"No, thank you, i was looking for Y/N"


"The girl who was here just a few minutes ago" He frowned.

"Oh yeah... the new, what with her?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I need to talk to her" I said.

"But i'm here i can serve you" I rolled my eyes, i was losing my chill.

"I want HER" I raised my voice and he got annoyed.

"I'll call her" He finally said. He went inside and suddenly i saw her walking to the counter.

"Hi" She breathed.

"I wants to give you this" I handed her fifty dollars.

"Why?" She looked at me with wide eyes.

"It's the tip, thank you for being so nice and kind with me, i appreciate it" I said, she licked her lips and swallowed.

"I— i cant accept that" She said.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now