The stripper - Alycia

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A lot of people wrote to me asking me for an imagine with lauren and Alycia so after all this time i decided to write it HAHA enjoy
Also i hate cheating so do not cheat ever —


Alycia's pov

Past midnight she wasn't home yet, i was so mad that she keeps going with her friends and gets home extremely late.
We barely spend time together lately, i just don't get it, am i getting boring? Am i not satisfying her enough?
I have to work on the set almost the whole day and everytime i get home, she's not here anymore.

Somethings changing, she's changing, we are changing.

What if she doesn't love me anymore?

I turned my head to the left as i heard the door being unlocked, I saw her walking through the door, she looked wasted, of course she was on that club again. She thinks i don't fucking know it, but i know!

I always get calls from the strippers club, calling for a membership i don't fucking know anymore.

"Shit babe, you scared me" She said as she turned the light on and saw me sitting in the couch.

"Really? Y/N, where have you been, it's 1:30 in the morning" I said, i tried to sound calm but i clearly wasn't.

"I'm sorry baby, we were on Dani's house and i didn't realize how late it was already" She said walking to me.

"You're drunk"

"I'm not! I just drank a little bit, not to much, i'm okay i swear" She said, i felt my eyes watering, i know she was lying to me, she smells like slut.

I cleared my throat and sighed. "Fine, i'll go to the bed, a call or a message would be nice sometimes you know? i was worried..." I said, she sighed and murmured a sorry.

I walked on the room and covered my body with the blankets, i closed my eyes and felt steps in the room, suddenly a weight in the bed, right next to me.

"Baby, i'm sorry, please don't get mad at me, i lost track on time, it wasn't on purpose, i love spending with you" She said kissing my head and caressing my hair.

I couldn't contain the tears and just cried.

I sobbed. "That's the point Y/N..."

"Babe no! please don't cry, come here" She said, she wrapped her arms around me and i snuggled my whole body to hers.

"You... i don't know, you're being so distant, you barely spend time with me, everytime i come home you're not here, we haven't had sex in months Y/N! this is not normal!" I said crying, i'm really crying over this? yes i am. I'm so hurt.

"Alycia babe, i'm so sorry! it's not on purpose... we have been busy, i mean you have been on set a lot lately and i have to work on the office almost the whole day. I usually go to Dani's to just talk about life and then i come back home to you, i'll always come back home baby" I sobbed again.

"Why do you keep lying to me?" I asked, she swallowed and sighed.

"I'm not lying babe... now get some sleep, we will talk about this tomorrow" She said. She pecked my lips and we both fell asleep.


Your pov.

Fuck again. It's like i can't get enough. She's like a drug.
I looked up to the stage and there she was, dancing and doing her performance, like she usually does, i really know what's going to happen, like every night.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now