Forbidden part 3

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Alycia's pov

Later that day i told Eliza i'm falling in love with Y/N, it's incredible because she acted so supportive and i'm so grateful for that at least one person believes me.
She said i'm soft now and we laughed but it's true i'm so soft and i can be all romantic and shit for her, she clicked something inside of me and made me fall for her.
After dinner -by the way a pretty quiet and awkward if i can say- She did the dishes and Josh went to his room to sleep, that boy sleep more than bear on winter, anyways we were alone again so i need to be be careful and don't fuck things up again.

"Want help?" I asked and she looked at me shaking her head. "Uh... what happened early i'm sorry okay? i'm not a fuck girl like my mom thinks i am, i was i admit it, but i did change"

"How do you change a fuck girl?" She laughed ironically.

"You wanna know how?" I got close her.

"Yeah please tell me because it seems impossible" She said doing the dishes.

"Look at me" I said and turned her around so she was facing me.

"You can just tell me and i could do my job" She said and rolled her eyes.

"Falling in love with someone" I whispered in her ear, i felt her shivering in my embrace as my hot breathe hit his ear.

"Yeah it's impossible, like you will fall in love some day" She said and pulled away walking to the table to get the rest of the plates.

"I'm serious" I said and she ignored me.

"Sure" She said and i grabbed her arm making the plates fall and breaking on the floor.

"Alycia! look what you did, ugh" She spat at me and i didn't care, i grabbed her pulling her close to me and i finally kissed her, at first she was shook and she didn't kiss me back but then she relaxed and kissed me, our lips moving in sync, i felt all the butterflies on my stomach erupting as our lips were together again and now in a sweet, loving and soft kiss.
We pulled away when air was an issue and i smiled looking at her eyes.

"Is true then?" She said looking at me.

"It is, i don't know what did you do to me but i'm going crazy, i'm getting all these feelings in my chest and stomach, i'm having all this cliché things, when you kiss me, when you look at me it makes me feel soft, in love, you are making me fall hard, you are making me love you every day more" I said and she smiled a bit, then she started to bit her lip and damn that was like a torture to me, i wanna bite her lip and make them all mine forever.

"Wow, i just don't believed it, it seems pretty unreal, are you telling me the truth? or are you just messing with me for get me on your bed?" She said and my smile faded.

"You don't believe me and it's pretty obvious, you just think i'm going to fuck you and leave you, well that's not what i wanted you to see" I said and walked to my room.

Your pov.

Wow she kissed me and was one of the best kisses i had in my whole life, it wasn't rushed, it wasn't just because she wants me, it feels like real, full of love and i was surprised at first because wow it was soft and lovely, she was so caring and i love it.
Damn but i just fucked everything up by saying her that things, i know it's impossible to believe i mean a fuck girl falling in love? you don't see that everyday.
She walked to her room and i decided to clean up the plates on the floor, i put them on the trash and make sure no ones will cut themselves with the pieces.

"Oh my god that was so much fun" Lou said entering the kitchen.

"Hi Lou, was it good?" I asked and she smiled nodding.

"Yeah it was amazing! Darling? what's this? what happened to the plates? are you hurt?" She asked and i shook my head.

"Sorry it was stupid and i broke them i'm so sorry i can pay them"

"Don't be silly, it's okay, but what happened?" She asked again and i was about to talk when another voice talked before me.

"I kissed her and make her to do it, it was a mistake, i'm so sorry" Alycia said coming, a mistake? oh okay i see it.

"Alycia! you kissed her? damn it i told you" Her mom started to yell and she just ignored her.

"Whatever mom i'm going out now, talk to you tomorrow" She said and left the house before her mom could say something.

It was 3:45 in the morning and i was trying to sleep when i head the door opening, i was scared and then i went to check what was going on, i walked to the living room and saw Alycia.

"Wow you're waiting for me? already that bossy?" She said laughing, she is drunk great.

"No, i just woke up because i listened the door, what are you doing this late?" I said and she just giggled.

"Why do you care Y/N you don't love me anyways" She said and i rolled my eyes.

"Come on we're getting you to your room" I said and grabbed her waist as she put her arms on my neck.

"I love you"

"Yeah me too, come on" I said and placed her on her bed and was leaving but she grabbed my arm.

"Please, just stay with me, i need you, i want you" She said and i didn't think twice, i stayed there for the whole night and i think for the whole life.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now