Miss movin on

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Three months since Alycia broke up with me, i have been on my room, all day everyday. She was my girlfriend for four years and from nowhere she broke up with me.
I don't understand it, i don't know if she got bored of me?
My friends are hard trying to help me out but i always say to them i'm tired and i just wanna sleep.

"Darling Camila is here" My mom called from downstairs. I didn't answer and just covered with my sheets.

"Y/N i know you are here so stop being an asshole and lets go out!" Camila said entering my room and taking my covers away.

"Cami! i don't really wanna go out" I groaned.

"I'm not Lisa so i'm not gonna get a No as an answer" She said and i groaned, she is right she never gets a no as answer.


"No buts, lets go we going to this new fair in town so get dressed and please take a shower, you smell like death" She said and i fake laughed.

"Thanks, i really appreciate your comments" I said and i went to the shower.

After i finished showering i looked at myself on the mirror and i looked like a zombie, god i'm so dead, i put some make up on and did my hair, i cant really do too much because my hair is a mess. Weavy and a mess.

"Okay i'm ready" I said and Camila smiled at me as she saw me.

"Wow, long time i see you this beautiful, great, lets go" She said grabbing my hand and guiding us to her car.

She drove for like thirty minutes and parked at this fair in town, it was amazing, it has roller coasters and a wheel of fortune and this cups that spin really fast and i get dizzy, but i finally i'm feeling free and a bit happy since a long time.

"Dinah!!! we are here!" Camila yelled to someone and then a beautiful tall girl come to us, she was with two other girls, a small one and then a really beautiful girl with green eyes and black hair, wow she looks like a goddess oh my god.

"Hi, i'm Dinah, Camila's friend and they are my friends, Ally and Lauren" She said and i nodded.

"Hi, nice to meet you guys, i'm Y/N, Camila's friend as well" I said smiling and they all smiled at me, Lauren the green eyes goddess, walked to my side and we talked a bit, she was so funny and i love her smile and laugh, it makes my heart melt.

"So then we ride on this horse and my brother fell and i laughed for like an hour but then he was hurt and i felt bad for laughing" She said laughing and i giggled.

"Cant believe you laughed at him, poor guy" I said giggling and then it faded away as i saw Alycia with this girl i really don't know, my heart ached and i felt tears coming down my face.

"Y/N are you okay?" Lauren asked me. "Why are you crying oh my god i'm sorry i know i was bad but-"

"I'm sorry Lauren i have to go" I said and she grabbed my arm.

"Wait, where are you going, am i boring you?" She said and i shook my head sighing.

"No, i'm sorry i feel sick" I said lying.

"You're not going any way, you'll stay here" Camila said and looked at Alycia. She was walking to us. Oh god.

"Don't let her make you feel that way, not again" Camila whispered and i tried to hold my tears.

"Hey Y/N wow, you look very beautiful" She said and i sighed.

"Yeah that's none on your business Alycia" Camila said and she glared at her.

"I didn't talk to you Cabello" She said and looked at me.

"Don't be rude to my friend" I said trying to not to cry.

"And who's this you're holding hands with huh?" She asked and looked at lauren, she squeezed my hand and looked at me.

"She is my-"

"I'm her girlfriend, nice to meet you" She said and i looked at her, she smiled at me and kissed my cheek, my heart was beating fast i can feel it out of my chest in any minute.

"Girlfriend?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, like you see" Lauren told her and camila was holding her laugh.

"Yeah well we meet like four months ago and then we started dating like a month ago, right babe?" I asked her and she nodded smiling.

"Totally we are so happy, she is the best girl ever dude, her ex girlfriend probably wants to kill herself for let her go" Lauren said and kissed my cheek again.

"Yeah... i bet she is" She said with an angry tone in her voice. "I have to go, Marian and I are bored here right?" She asked the girl and she just rolled her eyes.

"Bye, hope you have a good time" I said and she glared at me.

"Babe lets go to the roller coaster!" Lauren yelled and i nodded.

Alycia's pov

I listened her yelling at Y/N 'babe' ugh it is fucking annoying. I just came here because Lisa told me she was coming with camila and maybe i could take her back, but look what i get, she has a fucking girlfriend.

"Sorry it didn't work" Marian said and i just sighed.

"Whatever, she did fucking movin on"

"She did it right tho" Marian said and i glared at her.

"You are not helping idiot" I said and we just walked away.

Well yeah i lost her.

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