falling for you - Alycia

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{Y/C/N= your character name}


"We start now., roll camera!" You heard and sighed getting ready for you next scene, it was with Alycia, gosh you don't know how to act around her and every scene the both of you do it's more difficult to you to concentrate.
You joined ftwd cast a year ago now and everyone welcomed you very well, specially Alycia, you both aren't really close but there's always this sexual tension according to everyone in the cast. She was just happy to have you there and so were you to be there with her.


"None of us will go out there by now! Morgan, Help Y/C/N, i will go with Annie to close the big gate outside, keep her safe" Alicia said, Alicia found you fighting for my life outside and brought you to the clan, you were very grateful for that, since that moment you both got really close.

"I want to go Alicia! you can just keep me in here, i wanna help" You said in the scene, she looked at you and shook her head. Everyone in the studio was focused on the both of you.

"No, i already told you" Morgan and Annie, slowly walked away, leaving you in the heated conversation.

"Why? now tell me, i really wanna feel useful and you're just making me feel the opposite!" You yelled, she clenched her jaw as she put her gun down and walked closer to you.

"Why? why you don't understand this" She said, you looked at her confused, she tilted her head to the side and with her hand touched your cheek, you licked my lips and sighed.

"You don't understand"

"No, Y/C/N, you don't understand that i want to protect you, i wont risk anything, i don't wanna lose you" You looked at Alycia in the eyes, you tried so badly to not laugh or smile at her words even when they were fictional.

"I— i..." You stayed silence for a few seconds. "oh crap i forgot my line i'm sorry!" You said, she laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on Y/N, it's the third time you forget that line" The director said, you sighed biting your lip.

"I'm sorry, i know it, it's just... i don't know" You said, everyone around you looked at you with a funny face, you know they know about your crush with Alycia. You blushed as you felt everyone just staring at you.

"Okay, don't worry, we will take a break and everyone comes back in twenty minutes!" He yelled, you sighed in relief. You walked and sat in the stairs, you read the paper again trying to focus now and learn that line so you won't forget.

"Is everything okay?" You heard her voice, your heartbeat increased. You looked up to see her and just nodded.

"Uh... yeah, i'm trying to not forget the line again" You said.

She chuckled. "Let me help you, now we gonna practice the scene okay?" She said and you nodded.

"Why? why you don't understand this" She said acting as her character.

"You understand" You said following your line. You looked at her in the eyes, her green eyes stared at you the whole time.

No, Y/C/N, you don't understand that— that i..." She paused. You rose your eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"I forgot the line" She tried to hide a smile.

"See? it can happen even to the best actress" She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah i happens when you get distracted..." She said but regretted it, she cleared her throat. "I'm.. um... we should go back there" She stood up and you looked at her confused. You stood up and walked back to the set.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now