secret lover - Alycia

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I stood behind the tree and sighed, i sat in the grass as she walked away, i cant believe she is real

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I stood behind the tree and sighed, i sat in the grass as she walked away, i cant believe she is real. She is literally a goddess in my eyes, a piece of art that walked away from the museum, she's mesmerizing.

Three years i have been following her, admiring her, every step she walks to me is art, she's making a way for me to follow until i reach her and can finally kiss her.

She doesn't know my name, i know hers, i know everything about her. She likes to walk in the park and draw, she likes to stay home drinking british tea while she eats a biscuit with chocolate chips even when she doesn't like chocolate that much. She takes the longest naps when she's home and she doesn't go out often.

She has two best friends and they visit her, not everyday and when they come, they always yell at her like she was nothing.

"Come on lets go out!"

"No Cierra i told you i'm not in the mood"

"Alycia come on, it'll be fun"

"No Maia" Alycia said and her friends walked out of her house.

She always says no, she always wants to spend time in home. I don't know if she has a boyfriend but i would make sure of make them stay the fuck away because i couldn't spend a second imagining she's not mine.

Actually she is no —yet— I imagine every second that i see her of kissing her. I would let my world in her hands, i would let her to guide me because she can make my world a better place.

If she only knew how much she means to me. If she only knew how in love i'm with her, if she only knew i would love the sky and the earth for her.

I would kill everyone just to protect her, i would kill everyone just to feel what's kissing her.

And just in one kiss i would remind myself that she loves me too, because that kiss would speak louder than words could ever do.

"Shit i'm sorry hun, did i hurt you?" I heard a precious and angelic. I haven't realized i bumped into someone as i walked.

"I- oh my god" I whispered, it was her standing in front of me.

"Where were you going looking just at the floor darling?" Her sweet voice penetrate my ears and gave them such an orgasm.

"I— home, i really have to go..." I said, my heart raced the whole time i couldn't believe after these three years i finally get the chance of literally listen to her talking just to ME.

"Oh don't go, i can invite you a coffee, I'm Alycia by the way" She spoke, i breathed out and nodded.

"Y/N" I replied, she smiled and grabbed my hand.

Actions speak louder than words.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now