Sick - Alycia

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You were in your bed coughing, you felt like shit today.
You rubbed your eyes and groaned, it burns.
You grabbed your phone and saw the time.

6:45 am.

It was early, you have to work at 9 so you still have time, so you got up and walked to the bathroom but felt a pair of arms around you.

"Baby, were are you going? come back to bed right now" Alycia said and you groaned.

"Alycia i'm okay, i am able to go to work i promise" She rolled her eyes.

"I said no, you started this at 11 yesterday and now you have fever baby! come on move your ass to the bed" She slapped your ass and you groaned.

"I can't baby" You pouted and she pushed you to the bed.

"You stay here and i'm going to take care of you today since if my week off" She kissed you forehead and left the room.

You can't understand how is she always up so early, you can barely wake up at 7.
You looked your phone and started texting your boss but then regret it so you got up and ran to the bathroom to take a shower.
After you finished you came to the room to see a very very angry Alycia.

"Why did i told you y/n?!" She said and you pouted.

"Baby i'm sorry i have to work" She grabbed you by the towel and pushed you in the best by the second time.

"No, no and no y/n, you're not going to work and i already told your boss, so got in the bed and i'm bringing you joy chocolate and some hot cakes" She said and you sighed.

"Okay" You said, you know Alycia is hard to persuade so you just give up. For now.

You closed your eyes for a moment and fell asleep for a while, you felt a hand in your hair and kisses in your shoulder, you shivered a bit and opened your eyes.

"Here baby" She said handing you a cup with hot chocolate.

"Thank you" You said weakly.

"I love you baby" She said hugging you, you smiled and drank your chocolate.

"I love you too, thank you for taking care of me" You said, after you drank it and ate your hot cakes she gave you some pills and you both fell asleep again.

You woke up and looked at your phone.

12:59 pm.

I still can go to work, you thought, you looked next to you, to see Alycia sleeping peacefully, you moved slowly and got up.

You feel a bit better but still sick, you tried to not cough and walked slowly to the closet to pick some clothes, you walked a bit to the door but sadly you aren't going anywhere.

"Where the fuck are you going now y/n!" Alycia yelled and you sighed.


"Oh fuck you're so stubborn y/n, you're a pain in the ass, come back here now" She demanded, you groaned and throw the clothes on the floor as you walked to the bed.

"Baby im sorrry but you know i have to work to make money and all" You said.

"It's just a day! you haven't had a day free for three years, you're sick and i'm going to take care of you now stop desobeying me and stay here! i'm going to make you soup and we gonna watch movies all day okay?" You sighed and nodded. Okay definitely you did give up.

You were watching sponge bob, you actually are enjoying this, Alycia made you soup and you ate it all you loved it.
You both are cuddling now while y'all watch sponge bob.

"Baby can we watch me before you?"

"Yes babe" You said and you put the movie.

In the middle of the movie y'all were crying and hugging, dying of love.

"I love this movie" Alycia said and you kissed her temple.

"Me too baby but i love you more" You said.

"You feeling better baby girl?" She asked.

"Thanks to all your carings of course, i feel fresh!" You said and she giggled.

"I love you so much" She said and pecked your lips.

"Baby noooo" You whined pulling away. "I don't want you to get sick" You said.

"I won't baby and if i do you will take care of me" She said and you laughed.

"Of course baby even if that means to stay here and don't work" You said and she smiled satisfied.

"Finally you got it baby"

"I love you Alycia" You said and kissed her cheek.

"Me too baby, come on don't stop cuddling me i love your arms around me" She said and you hugged her, pulling her closer.

Maybe i should get sick more often, you thought.


Request by @chill_pill_studio
hope you like it(:

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