No feelings - Alycia

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"Fuck yes Alycia, oh god" I moaned as her naked body collapsed next to me, our breathes were irregular and we both sweating, she palmed my chest and kissed my shoulder.

"God i swear this gets better everytime we try it" She spoke, i smirked.

"Of course" She smiled and cuddled into me.

"I'm so tired we have been fucking for like two hours, were animals y/n" She said and i laughed.

"Sure" I stood up and started to get dressed, i felt her gaze in me and i just ignored it.

"Where are you going? it's past midnight"

"My house, we don't sleep together you know that, we just fuck and that's all" I said harshly she knows the way i am and i know the way she is, we used to have a crush with each other but that never lead us into some another thing, we got over that and now we are friends with some benefits.

"Yeah... i know but... it's late, i mean it's dark and-"

"I'm okay i have my car so i'll be in my house in an hour or so" I said and she looked down and sighed.

"Yeah, um- becareful and drive safe" She said and i forrowed my eyebrow. Is she worrying agian? we already talked about it.

"No feelings Alycia, i told you" She nodded. I grabbed my things and left the house.

Once i arrived at my house and threw off my things and just let myself fall in my bed, i was so tired and it was now 4 in the morning, it's not like i have plans for the next day because i'm on my break but i don't think i will sleep until 1 pm.
I sighed and closed my eyes.

Alycia's pov.

I hate myself for being like this, i hate the fact that i fucking love her and that was the only reason why i do agreed to this friends with benefits thing, i know she doesn't do relationships and neither do i but god she made me change my mind in a second and even when we agreed to be like this with no feelings between us i can't help it but fall for her more every time she touches my skin and kisses my heart, dammit.

I sighed and swiped a tear from my face, it was 4 am and i still can't sleep i was just thinking about her all the time, god i hate this because she probably doesn't even remember me now, she's probably sleeping or drinking again.

I decided to sleep and stop thinking about all this shit.


"Stop it y/n" I mumbled as y/n was kissing my naked shoulders, she grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it a little bit.

"Hmmm no, i want you now, i have been craving your body for the past twenty four hours, i missed your perfume and your beautiful body, your soft lips and your hot and sexy raspy moans when i touch you" She said and moved her hands to my thighs, i sighed tilting my head to give her more access to my neck, i felt goosebumps when i felt her tongue in my neck.
She moved her hands to cup my breast and i moaned, i shut my eyes when she squeezed them.

"You like that baby?" She asked and i bit my lip nodding, she was behind me and i had my hands on her thighs, i squeezed them when one of her hands got in my pants, she unbuttoned it and touched my folds over my underwear.

"Fuck y/n..." My breathe hitched when i felt her finger teasing me. Suddenly my phone rang.

"Don't, we're busy" She said and i ignored her, i grabbed my phone and saw a message from Erik.

Erik: Hey honey what about we go out for a drink tonight? i wanna see you (:

Me: Sure yea-

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now