Into It - Alicia Clark

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based on Into it by the queen Camila cabello

The room was crowed, Y/N wasn't able to find her best friend Alicia, she told her to come and Y/N knew it was a bad idea, she doesn't like this kind of parties and Alícia basically dragged her to one, either Y/N didn't want to come she would do it anyways because Alicia asked and she has complete control in her life.
Alicia has been Y/N's crush for years, they met when Alicia came to the neighborhood, she was sixteen and Y/N was fourteen, Alicia was the most beautiful girl Y/N has ever seen and she doesn't even watch to the girls, not in the way she looks at her, she likes her so much to deny it even in front of her mother.
Alicia is too oblivious and she is always denying the fact her best friends likes her, she likes her as well but she's always trying to hide it, Ofelia, her brother's friend knows everything and she has told Alicia, Y/N likes her just too much and that she's too silly, she has never realized how deep is Y/N for her.

The music hit Y/N's ears and she was getting pretty tired of it, she put her hands in her ears to cover them from the loud room, it was Christian's house and she hated him because he has this tiny -not really- crush on Alicia, he wanted her as badly as Y/N does.
Alicia doesn't like him and could never because she thinks he is a douché, he just cares about his hair and looks and Alicia doesn't like that.

"Y/N!!! you came! god it's good to see you man" She heard the horrible and squeaky sound of Christian's voice, she rolled her eyes and fake smiled.

"Yeah... i'm a girl dude so treat me like that"

"A girl? but you look like a man dude, i mean you like Alicia and you have that man tone-"

"Y/N! i found you!" Y/N smiled when she heard her best friend calling her, she is glad she came just about time.

"Ali! hey"

"Oh, Chris i'm sorry i need to borrow her for a while see you later" Alicia said and grabbed Y/N's hand, taking her to the dance floor.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome i knew that douché was just bothering you, anyway, you look wow, so beautiful today, any special reason?" She smirked.

"Wha- special reason? oh no no i just... grabbed the first thing i saw"

"Sure Y/N" Alicia laughed and grabbed Y/N's hand again. "Let's go to the drinks"

After a couple of drinks Y/N and Alicia felt a bit dizzy and started laughing for everything, they weren't drunk but sober either, Y/N was dancing all around and Alicia looked at her amazed, she has never seen her best friend that way but she like it, she bit her lip when the song changed and Into it started playing.

Ooh, I'm not a psychic
But I see myself all over you

Alicia kept watching Y/N, she really feel the urge to kiss her and to dance with her right now.

Ooh, I'm sick on you, sick on you
But you're the medicine too

She got closer and grabbed Y/N's hand, she looked at her and Y/N bit her lip, Alicia pulled her closer and Y/N placed her hands on Alicia's waist, touching the naked skin of her back and stomach.

The gravity can't hold us, your hands are outer space
I can't make sense of nothing and words just get in the way

Alicia closed her eyes enjoying the touch, she gasped a bit when Y/N's hand landed on her ass. She smirked a bit and kept touching Alicia's body.

"Follow me" Alicia whispered in Y/N's ear as she started walking, she got upstairs and entered a room, Y/N was confused but followed her, she can't think clearly she just wants Alicia so bad.

This couch is getting smaller, but it's my favorite place
Don't even ask the question, you know what I'm gonna say

Y/N walked into the room and saw Alicia in her underwear, exposed to her in the bed. Alicia looked at her and smirked, she did a sign of calling her with her finger, Y/N couldn't resist and walked to her.

I'm into it, whatever trouble that you're thinking i could get into it, i see a king-sized bed in the corner we should get into it

"Touch me" Alicia mumbled as Y/N climbed in the bed, she leaned her head back when Y/N started kissing her neck, pecking slowly and touching her skin with her tongue.

All of the things, I wanna do to you is infinite
I mean, if you're into it, I'm into it

Y/N started kissing her bare chest, Alicia let it out a gasp when she licked her nipple, Y/N grabbed it with her teeth slowly without hurting her, Alicia moaned desperately, she wanted more and just more.

"Are you sure about this?" Y/N asked and Alicia nodded. "Sure?"

"Damn it Y/N stop asking and fuck me, you know you like me and i like you, god dammit i'm so into it, do it" Alicia said, she was getting desperate when Y/N stopped.

Ooh, I'm holding my, holding my breath
Until I'm turning blue
Ooh, don't save me, don't save me, don't save me
I'll fall into you, fall into you

Y/N was nervous, she never thought Alicia will actually like her and she will do these things with her, she sighed and moved her hand to Alicia's underwear, Alicia nodded and she removed it, she touched her clit slowly giving her some pleasure, Alicia moaned as the feeling of Y/N's fingers in her wet sex, she wanted more.

The gravity can't hold us, your hands are outer space
I can't make sense of nothing, oh
This couch is getting smaller, but it's my favorite place
Don't even ask the question
You know what I'm gonna say

Y/N didn't ask more and just touched her, she touched Alicia the way she wanted to be touched, she traveled her finger for her center, giving to her the attention she deserves, making her feeling in the cloud nine, Alicia moaned everytime Y/N touched her body, she was enjoying it more than everything, she never thought her best friend was that good and could make her feel this way, she was aroused by every lick, touch and kiss Y/N placed on her body.

Minutes later Alicia hit her orgasm, Y/N kissed her body to her lips and ended up with a pasional kiss, Alicia grabbed her face just to kiss her longer and definitely even when Alicia thought she wasn't into it, she totally was with Y/N.

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