Let me love you - Alycia

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I walked down the streets of New york, feeling a totally foreign. It was bad to be honest i never thought i will walk down here, at least not three months ago.
I came here to restart my life, after i was living a hell in New Orleans, the place was my home for almost 21 years but now i couldn't stay there, it would be crazy and it wouldn't help me to get over what happened.

I rent an apartment in the third avenue, it's little but comfy, it's actually perfect to me.
I found a decent work a month ago, it helps now because the money i had saved is almost over.
I walked in the restaurant i work for now, i'm a waitress, it helps to keep the distracted most of the time so i don't spend the hours at home crying and feeling shit.

"Y/N glad you're back!! i missed you now thanks for covering me" Stephanie said, i nodded and hugged her back.

"It's okay, don't worry" I usually don't express too much even i don't hug people back most of the time but Steph has been an amazing support these past three months.

I grabbed my apron to start work, i walked to the tables asking for their orders and went back to pick the plates up and taking again to the customers.
New customers were making their way inside, i walked to them and introduce myself.

"Welcome to the restaurant, would you guys want a table?" One of them nodded, the girl looked at me straight in the eyes smiling, her green eyes were truly intimidating, i swallowed at her actions, she walked behind me almost breathing in my ear, it was giving me anxiety.
Once we arrived at the table they placed themselves on the table and i handed them the menu.

"I'll let you decide and i'll be back to take your orders" I said.

"Excuse me, may i get water please?" The green eyes girl asked, i nodded.

"I'll be right back with your water ma'am" I replied.

"She's a snack please" I heard one of other girls saying, i was so confused as i walked away.

It was such a weird situation, i never in my life was being called a 'snack' like what the heck does that mean?
I shook my head as i grabbed the glass of water, i walked to the table again, this time with my nerves on the edge.

"Here's your water ma'am" I said and placed the glass of water in front of her, she smiled and nodded. "Are you guys ready to order?"

"Yes please i want a snack like you" The girl said.

"God Lauren shut up!!" The green eyes girl said embarrassed. "I'm sorry, it's her birthday and she's a little bit drunk already, I want a beef with rice please and a glass of wine" She said.

I swallowed. "It's okay..." I wrote down the order and asked the other girl and the guy, they ordered and i finally went to the kitchen to give the chef the order.

"What's wrong with you?" I heard Simon asking.

He's my coworker but we aren't that friends to be honest. "Nothing i'm okay" I said.

"Come on Y/N i know you a little bit even though you don't want to open up to me, it's okay" He said. I nodded.

"I promise it's nothing" I said, he nodded and then i felt the ring and i grabbed the plates to deliver the orders to the table.

I walked to the table and placed the orders in front of them.

"Enjoy your lunch" I said smiling.

"Thank you so much..."

"Y/N, i'm Y/N" I said smiling, the girl smiled and bite her lip.

"Nice to meet you and thank you for this amazing service, Y/N, i'm Alycia, pretty sure you may know me" I looked to the rest and they giggled.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now