The stripper - Alycia pt2

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It's been a whole week since Alycia left, i feel like shit, i go and get drunk every night at the club, let's say i haven't changed that much, i haven't done shit to get her back it's just i feel like i don't deserve her after all the shit i did but honestly i feel useless without her.

"Two more please, i need it" I said. I was already tipsy.

"Hey babe, come with me i can make you forget" I heard someone behind me, massaging my shoulders, i threw my head back.

"Come here" I said and grabbed her beautiful hands, i placed her in my lap, is not like someone will notice, the lights are out and the music so loud also it's not like the people here don't do that.

"It's been a while since you have touched me" She moaned as i squeezed her hips.

"Hmmm you're so desperate for my touch Lauren?" I asked, she hummed and threw her head back as i moved my hands to her breast cupping them and squeezing them.

"I am, because you make me feel so good" She placed her hands in my shoulders moving her hips in my lap.

"Y/N?" I heard someone next to me.

I pushed lauren off my lap and stood up. Fuck fuck.

"Y/N is that you?" The voice was so familiar, oh fuck great.

"Maia... what— um what are you doing here?" I asked, i was so nervous, i was fucked up now, casually Alycia's best friend found me almost fucking someone that is not her best friend.

"Um... i came with some friends... what, what were you doing?" I cleared my throat.

"I— nothing really, have you..."

"Yes, she's devasted and yet you are here fucking some random slut"

"Hey! i'm not just that here, she has been looking for me for something you know?" I sighed.

"Shut up, please Lauren and just leave" I bit my lip.

"Sure... now you don't give a fuck about my best friend, do you?" I felt my eyes watering.

"I do... i love her please Maia don't tell her this, i'm so fucked up to get my shit together and to go with her, i even hate myself for this, i know i'm the worst, i know i hurt her, i have no excuses—"

"But yet you keep cheating on her" I sighed.

"I— when she left i felt devasted, i was alone and suffering"

"Yeah, don't play the victim now, you think she isn't devasted? you think she hasn't been crying for the whole week? you think she hasn't been wanting to call you? i had to be there for her because her girlfriend is fucking some strippers out there"

"I didn't mean that, i love her"

She chuckled ironically. "Yeah i see how much you love her"

"Please help me"

"No, you know what? fuck yourself and i'm telling this to her, because it's obvious you won't, you're such a coward who didn't even call her, i hope she gets over you because you're not even worth it!" Maia said and walked away, i sighed.

"Oh come on babe, ignore that, let's keep our fun" I felt Lauren's arms around my waist, i bit my lips and swiped my tears.

I pulled her away. "No, i have to get my girlfriend back, this truly was a mistake"

"Excuse me? you were the one who came with me looking for something she wasn't able to give it to you"

"I was wrong, i thought i was going to find that with you when all i had to do is to go to my girlfriend"

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now