Christmas miracle - Alycia

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I moved in with my new roommate three months ago, we have been doing amazing, she's super nice actually, we are becoming best friends but i'm afraid i'm feeling something else...

I never felt this way for a girl and it's annoying listening to her talking about her friends like she loves them so much and i mean the men friends she has. She is constantly talking me about this Peter guy and is honestly annoying.

"Alycia, i'm going out for some groceries, want something?" I heard her sweet voice and couldn't help but smile.

"No, Y/N i'm okay, thanks but don't forget the wine, tomorrow is the christmas eve" I said and she chuckled.

"Of course, i know, i won't forget" She said and walked out, i sighed, i heard a claxon outside and i stood up to look for the window. I rolled my eyes at the scene outside. She was with this guy, smiling and blushing, he making her laugh and of course she laughing. She got in the car with him and then they drove away.

I felt my chest burning, i walked to the couch and just spend the rest of the afternoon watching netflix, while i waited for Y/N to come back.

I opened my eyes and rubbed them, it was already dark and i was all alone. I sighed. I looked to the watch and it was 9pm, she left at 3 now.

I heard a key in the door and then she turned on the lights.

"Alycia? i'm sorry did i wake you?" She said, i shook my head.

"No, i'm good, did you make that groceries or what?" I asked, she frowned.

"Um no, i— i went out with Peter, we went to the cinema and then i went to the groceries store" She said smiling, i rolled my eyes.

"Great" I said standing up walking to my room.

"Good night, i guess"

"Yeah it's whatever" I said and closed the door of my room and just rested myself in the bed crying. I sobbed, the salty tears were rolling down with no hesitation, i couldn't stop the pain i feel in my chest.

"Alycia?" I heard Y/N opening the door.

"Leave me alone, go have fun with your boyfriend" I said, i felt she sat in the edge of my bed and turned on the little light that rested on my night table next to my bed.

"He is not my boyfriend, silly and he won't be, like ever" She said, i frowned.

"Well that's weird because you seem so close to him and he likes you, it's obvious" She giggled. "What's so funny now?"

"He is gay leesh and apparently someone's jealous" My cheeks heated up, he was what!?

"Oh..." I said, i was now pretty embarrassed, she grabbed my hands and smiled.

"It's okay, i don't want you to cry and to be so strange with me, i love to spend time with you and i don't want you to be mad at me" She said, i sighed nodding.

"Yeah sorry..."

"I would never change you for any boyfriend or whatever okay? you're my best friends Alycia" Ouch, that hurts even more.

"Yeah, it's alright" I tried to say without cry this time, i fake smiled.

"By the way... someone has already stolen my heart, i don't have eyes for other boys or girls" She said winking and pecked my cheek, she walked out of the room and i was there in my bed confused.

The next morning i woke up because the sunlight was blinding me, even when my eyes were closed. I groaned as i looked at the watch on my wall. It was 9 am, it's so early hut today is christmas eve!!! I looked to the table next to bed and there was a plate with food, a rose and a note, i smiled widely.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now